Chapter 50

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Picture of Oliver.

Holy shit! Fifty chapters already, only fifty more to go! Nah, I'm just tugging on your balls.

Anywhooosie, thanks so much for sticking around and reading this book. Means a lot to me🖤.

Aiden's P.O.V

"Stop glaring at him like that." Julian whispers dragging my eyes away from his brother and down to him as he walks besides me. He forced me to put him down but I refused to let him more than an inch away from me.

"I'm not." I say making him frown.

"Behave." He warns pressing a kiss to the hand he was holding, making my heart flutter momentarily. I focus on that feeling and try to push out the thoughts of killing his stupid brother. I looked around at the little group walking through the woods, they were two guys behind us and three in front us with Oliver directly before us. Oliver still looked like the same piece of shit I knew growing up, just older. He didn't even look like Julian, the only similarity being those blue eyes.

"Aiden can I trust you to control yourself or should I get the muzzle and the leash?" Oliver says turning around with a sly smile that made my blood boil.

"Why I oughta shove a brooms-"
I stop mid-threat from the sound of Julian's hand connecting with Oliver's cheek that echoed throughout the woods. I bite my lip from laughing as I watch in surprise as Julian glares at his older brother who was looking down at him with wide eyes.

"Do not speak to my mate like that." He seethes through clenched teeth making both Oliver's and I's eyes widen. Julian always stood with his brother, even if the guy was wrong so to see him go against him for something so small was mind blowing.

"Y-yeah, sorry." Oliver says rubbing his coloring cheek as Julian walks back over to me. He opens his mouth to say something, but I stop him by smashing my lips into his. He moans into my mouth as he slides his arms around my neck while I wrap mine around his waist pulling him into me. I bite his lip hard making him moan even louder before pulling back.

"You're the best mate ever Jewels." I whisper before pecking his nose lightly making him smile widely, the slight glint of regret I saw earlier, now gone completely. I look up at a clearly upset Oliver before smiling at him in my own personal triumph.

"We're here." He says in clear annoyance, ignoring it, we follow him entering the front gates of the pack I didn't use last time I was hear.

Good times...

Walking in, my eyes dart around trying to map out the layout along with the number of rogues for when we attack. We are going to attack this place, for sure, it's inevitably truly. There's a rouge pack in the backyard of our own pack and that's supposed to end well? Nah, they're all going to die.

The people's eyes stay glued to me specifically, some glaring others quivering slightly in fear. I didn't really care, they'd be dead soon enough. The thought of them all dead was the only thing that was allowing me to keep it together. A entire pack of sickening rogues and witches too, I could bark at the thought alone. It was truly testing my patience and strength, but I filled my mind of thoughts of Julian getting better to keep control.

We follow Oliver into a small warehouse like building, where the men leave us alone with him. It was a little homey space that wasn't too bad, but wasn't necessarily good either. But what can you do when you're a fucking rogue.

"What happened to you?" Oliver starts immediately, after closing the door. "You were M.I.A for a month and then some. I couldn't check your pack and you weren't at the meeting spot, what happened?"

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