Chapter 2

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I woke up to the sounds of growling. I quickly looked around to see if I was discovered. I wasn't. But someone else was in trouble. I convinced myself that I was just going to look because I needed to know if this place was still safe but deep down I knew that I was just to curious. Now I knew where the figure of speech 'curiosity killed the cat' came from. I jumped from tree to tree to keep hidden while I followed the sound of growls. I knew this must be around the border of a pack but werewolves barely ever look up because their biggest enemy walks on the ground. So I was safe in the trees.

It didn't take long to find the source of the growls. The growls came from some rogues. But that wasn't the problem, the problem was that they were growling at a little girl. These filthy rogues! She probably couldn't even shift into her wolf yet! She couldn't defend herself or call the pack for help. Werewolves only get their mind link when they first shift into their wolves. This girl was to young to shift. I knew that these rogues didn't plan on letting her go. I had to do something. She was crying and trying to call for help but she was too far away from the pack. They couldn't hear her. I took one look at her and made my decision. After taking a big breath of air I lunged for the rogue who was the closest. I sliced his throat with my claws. One down, two to go. They were untrained, this was going to be easy. They didn't even yet realize that their friend was killed right behind them because they were to focused on the girl. They weren't planning anything nice with her for sure. With that in mind it didn't take long to bite of the second one his head. The third one finally saw me. He took one look at his friends and me before he started to run. I wasn't letting him of that easy. I was faster than him and tore him to shreds. He deserved it.

I quickly ran back to the little girl while changing back to my human form.

"Are you alright? Did they hurt you?" I asked.

"I'm fine thanks to you! Thank you so much for saving me!" She said while hugging me. I haven't been hugged in months. It took me a moment to hug her back.

"Where are your parents?" I asked when I pulled back. It felt so odd to be hugged again.

"At he pack house, I was playing and wandered off a bit too far when I was chasing a butterfly." So young and so innocent. Although it gave me an idea to pass time in the future. I was going to go butterfly hunting and check out if it was as fun as it sounded. My jaguar agreed to try it. I was such a child.

"Well let's get you back home, do you know the way?"

"Yes!" She said proudly. "Follow me!" She reminded me off my sister. She also didn't seem to care that I just murdered 3 rogues right in front of her. Werewolf children are often used to killing. It made me wonder how much murders she has already seen on her young age. Their lives are so different from humans. I was still getting used to it.

I wasn't planning on actually going to the pack house. It was too dangerous for me. I just needed to know that she would be safe.

I made small talk with her when we were walking. I learned that her name was Faye and she was 9 years old and she hasn't shifted yet like I already thought. She was also an Alpha's daughter and she had an older brother who was going to take over the pack when he was old enough and found his mate. It sounded like a normal werewolf pack. Her parents must be extremely worried by now. She has indeed wandered of very far away from the pack. Must have been a though hunt.

"Did you catch the butterfly you were chasing?" I asked.

"No I didn't." She said disappointed.

"Don't worry. With some more practise you will catch him once." I said. She was young and would get a lot of training. In a few years she will catch butterflies with her eyes closed. "But next time try to look at your surroundings so you don't wander off again."

"I will." She said. "Look! We are almost there! You can see the pack house already!" This was my cue to leave.

"Faye." I stopped her. "I have to go now. I can't come with you to the pack house." I told her.

"But you have to! You saved me! They won't mind you are not a part of the pack." They would when they realized what I was but she didn't know that. She probably has never even heard about werecats.

"Sorry Faye, but I can't. I'm not a werewolf. They won't accept me. Just promise me you will stay safe at the pack house."

"Please stay." She asked with the most adorable puppy eyes.

Be killed and make the little girl happy or disappoint her and run? I was never good with decisions. Lucky for me someone else choose for me.

"Faye!" An older man ran at us and started hugging Faye like his life depended on it.

"Daddy!" I heard Faye yell excitedly. So this was the Alpha. They were so occupied with their little reunion that they didn't see me slowly backing away. I had to leave, Faye was safe with her dad. I wasn't safe here.

When I was far enough away I turned around and jumped in a tree. I silently climbed the tree until I was sure they couldn't see me anymore. I knew I was going to regret this but for some reason I just couldn't actually leave. I tried to listen in on their conversation.

"Where have you been?! We were so worried about you! Never do that again!" I heard the Alpha say.

"You didn't have to worry daddy! Aisla saved me when the rogues tried to hurt me. She is awesome, can you please make her join the pack? She is afraid you won't like her. But she is really nice!" I could just imagine how she was looking around for me and the disappointment when she realized I was gone. I'm such a coward for trying to leave.

"Rogues? Sweetheart they are dangerous! Who is this girl you are talking about? How many rogues were there?"

"She is gone! Daddy you have to look for her! She is probably all alone and scared!" Suddenly I realized why I couldn't leave Faye. She reminded me of my sister. I was so going to regret this. But if they kill me I at least made a little girl happy. I jumped out of the tree again. Maybe I could explain and if they didn't want me around I could still run away. I knew I would be faster than them.

"Hello Sir. I'm Aisla. I just wanted to make sure Faye got home safe." When Faye saw me she ran at me to give me a massive hug, again.

"Did you try to run away form me?" You are such a coward Aisla!

"I came back for you." I said with a weak smile. At that moment her dad decided to speak up.

"So you are the girl who saved my daughter?" I nodded. I admit I was intimidated by her dad. Everything about him screamed power. He must be a strong Alpha.

"Faye, go to your mother. She can't wait to see you. Aisla can you come with me to my office? I think we have some things to discuss." I gulped. Please don't kill me. I'm to young to die! I tried to calm my nerves. I saved his daughter, that must count for something right?

"Dad she is really kind and a good fighter. She would be a great addition to the pack and I really like her! Don't scare her away, please!" I heard Faye whisper to her dad. I couldn't see his reaction, I just hoped he would let me live. Werewolves have a good smell. I have no doubt he knows what I am. I'm not only a werecat but also a rogue since I have no pack or pride. That just gave him more reasons to kill me.

"Follow me please, Aisla."    

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