Chapter 5

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When to Luna left the room I started eating like a wild animal. I was after all half animal so don't judge me. The room had a little table with two chairs so that is where I was currently busy stuffing my mouth full with as much spaghetti as possible. Until I heard the door opening. I froze with my mouth still full with food. In the door stood a very excited Faye. When she saw me she burst out laughing.

"Aisla maybe it is an idea to try to eat a bit more like a real lady instead of a wild animal." She laughed.

"I am half animal." I tried to say but I doubt she heard what is said. After I swallowed al my food I tried again.

"I am after all half animal Faye."

"We all are. But you are still a lady and mommy says that we have to behave like a lady because we need to give the pack a proper example. And our mate will never want a mate without proper manners!" She might be right but I doubt that I will ever have a mate. I didn't tell her that off course.

"If I ever find a mate he will just need to accept me for who I am." I told her. "But was there a reason why you came here or did you just want to steal my dinner?" I asked while she started to steal my spaghetti. Normally I wouldn't allow people to steal my food except for my sister, but Faye reminds me of her so I will just grand her the privilege.

"I wanted to ask if you would like to help me hunt butterflies tomorrow. My dad and brother never have time to play with me. And I also asked dad if you could be my personal bodyguard because you could keep me safe if I would wander off again and he said yes and maybe you could then secretly train me a little to so I'm not completely helpless and weak."

"I would love to help you. But your dad won't be mad at me when he knows I trained you a little right?" You don't want an Alpha's wrath so I'd rather not get in trouble.

"He won't be mad. He doesn't have time himself and I told him how you killed those rogues and he said you seem to be a good fighter."

"I took fighting classes when I was younger so I'm not a complete useless fighter but I'm probably not as good as your father." The only difference is I took those classes when I was still human, we didn't learn how to bite of someone's head. I learned that myself when rogues or vampires would discover me and try to kill me. That didn't happen often luckily.

"But you are a werecat. Dad told me about how strong they were and they were the best fighters out of all the super natural species. And don't worry I won't tell anyone because I know everyone believes the werecats went extinct because some thought they were a danger, but dad told me that there was a prophecy about that the werecats would be the peacekeepers. But he will probably tell you tomorrow. Ooh and mom also told me to bring your empty plate to the kitchen when you are done." I looked at my plate and saw it was already empty. Faye had eaten everything.

"Seems like you already took care of that." I told her. She smiled sheepish.

"Sorry, I was hungry."

"It doesn't matter, your mother brought me too much anyway." I said.

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