Chapter 8

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When I came back from my room Faye was patiently waiting down the stairs. How fast did she eat?

"Finally! Come on we are going outside and you are going to train me, so in can beat some rogues just like you did!"

"Lead me the way and I will bring you to greatness, my little warrior!" She sure had the right attitude, but before I would learn her any fighting skills, she had to know the basics first. I guessed that hunting a butterfly would help with a few of those.

We were walking towards an open area close to the pack house but secluded enough so not everyone would see us.

"Alright Faye, have you ever had any training before or watched the pack train?"

"I often watch the pack warriors but my father always told me I was to young to get training. I think the only reason why he lets you train me is because you're a werecat and he thinks it's an honour to be trained by a werecat." Why would that be an honour? I'm not a great warrior, I'm a little 18 years old girl who only has had some self-defence classes when she was younger. And off course all the times I had to defend myself against rogues or a lone vampire taught me their weak spots. But still, I had to remind myself to ask the Alpha this later.

"We will start with some basics. Because you are a werewolf you will have some advantages and not have to train your condition so much, but it is still an important part of training. Especially because you haven't shifted yet." It will make her wolf stronger, Aisla. Start with your own basics. That was my jaguar. She didn't talk to me very often. Most of the time she just guided me trough life without saying anything. Suddenly I realized something, she was protective over Faye. Otherwise she would never have made me stay here and definitely wouldn't try to help me training her.

"We will start with some basics things I always do. What do you think about running 5 laps around the pack house?" It wasn't much of a distance, but I didn't want to work her to much on her first day of training.

"Okay!" She was still overly excited that finally someone was training her.

"You can choose the pace we go. Don't try to go to fast to soon because the last round well do a sprint and you don't want tire yourself out." Faye was a surprisingly good runner. At least if she ever had to run away from any danger she would make a good chance to get away from it.

But let's just hope that never happens.

We trained the rest of the day with some breaks in between. Faye didn't complain once that we haven't even done any real fighting, while that was were she was most excited about. She was smart for her age and seeing the pack train she must have realized that training wasn't just about 'the cool stuff'.

We still had about an hour left before it was time for dinner so I thought I would be a good time to discus a tactic for catching a butterfly. Faye was like always extremely enthusiast. This girl just didn't get tired.

"First you have to be aware of your surroundings, make sure there are no other threats around that could surprise you. Try to guess which direction your target will go. If you know the area this could mean a great advantage. You could lead them right to a trap."

"Got it! Are we going to catch a butterfly now?" She asked witch big puppy eyes, she was after all half dog.

"No, we'll do that tomorrow. You have already done a lot today. Make sure you get enough sleep tonight, because tomorrow we are going to try to catch butterfly's the whole day to perfect your hunting skills." She nodded. "Maybe we should both freshen up before we have dinner?"

"Alright!" And off was she. Now I knew what the Alpha meant with Faye being tiring, you just couldn't get her tired. She was bundle of energy.

I made my way towards my room, a lot slower then Faye. When I walked into my room a saw a set of spare clothes laying on the bed. These people were in fact really kind. I had no idea what I did to deserve ending up here. I stripped out of my dirty clothes and went into the shower. The water soothed my aching muscles. I stood under the shower a little longer then necessarily. I turned of the shower and dried myself of quickly. I stepped into the clothes and made my way downstairs.

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