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It was around two in the morning when my cellphone rang. Violet's excited voice came across and I suppressed my urge to giggle as she spewed out all the details of her romantic date with Troy that had culminated with them exchanging 'I love you.' I tried to keep up with her enthusiasm but it was late in the night and I'd already heard the entire story from Troy's perspective just hours before, on the way back from the rec center. She rambled on though and I once again saw their date like I'd been there and I could fully understand why she was so excited. I'd given the idea after all and I knew how incredible it must have been.

I still couldn't contain the yawn that left my mouth when the clock needle slowly shifted to 3 in the morning. We had school tomorrow as well. I had no choice but to cut her off in middle of her story and hang up so I could get a reasonable amount of sleep. I hadn't thought much of it then.

Now, as we stood across from one another just as the school bell went off for the first class, I could tell she was upset. I inwardly cursed for not detecting it earlier but before I could apologize, she'd disappeared into the crowd without so much as a word. I felt my heart break at the sight. God had I lost her forever? Why did I always have to ruin everything?

I didn't feel anything except hopeless despair until a thumb gently swept across the area under my eye and wiped away a tear that had leaked out. That one brush set my cheeks on fire and I stumbled back, my guard immediately up.

In front of me stood a boy around my age with the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen. In fact, he was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. The high cheekbones, tousled black hair, golden-brown eyes and lean body made him striking enough to leave me breathless.

But what struck me most was the concern in his eyes as he wiped away yet another tear before drawing back, sliding his hands into his pockets. The nonchalance in his stance did nothing to cover the overwhelming worry in his eyes. Did I know him? Why did he look so worried for me? If we'd met before, I would have certainly remembered him. If I resembled the goddess of beauty, then he would have been my male equivalent.

He looked like he was about to say something but just as he opened his mouth, commotion broke out at the end of the hallway. Both our heads snapped up in unison to see a boy standing there with a wild, roguish grin on his face as he faced down a group of boys running his way, looking like they were about to murder him. The boy looked like he didn't have a care in the world but something in his stance made me believe that he was a lot less foolish than he came across as at the moment.

"Oh god what has he done now," I heard the boy next to me say, his voice surprisingly deep as he watched the scene unfold. He didn't seem to be the least bothered as the wild boy continued to stay his ground, an intelligent, delighted smile playing across his lips. His eyes were unseeing I realized, as they didn't focus on anything.

"Oh god is he blind," I asked, panicked. I got a nod in return and without thinking I tried to lurch forward to save him. As carefree as he seemed, I knew he stood no chance against 5 other people.

Arms caught me around the waist and beautiful boy put his mouth to my ear as he pulled me back. He spoke softly but his grip was firm.

"Just watch. He'll be fine."

Something in me told me to trust him so I slackened in his hold and watched, resisting the urge to shut my eyes. Something about seeing this boy, so full of energy and vitality, getting hurt scared me.

But I had no need to be scared for before anyone reached him; another boy shoved himself before the blind one and lashed out with a punch powerful enough to cause the first boy to go down without a sound. He then proceeded to the others with a grace and strength I could never even hope to have. His movement was so fluid and natural, and yet restrained as he only knocked the boys down but never hurt them severely. Long after he'd stopped fighting, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. In fact, I barely registered anything at all before I felt the arms around my body release their hold.

"I told you he'd be fine beautiful," said the boy behind me and he made the move to walk away. I don't what prompted me to open my mouth but I did.

"Wait, how did you know nothing would happen? And who are you," I asked, dawning on me that this boy was in my grade and yet I'd never even seen him before. Most likely, he was new to this school.

"I'm Mikhail and those two are my friends, Alexei and Ivan," he said, gesturing to the wild one as Alexei and the fighter as Ivan. Those two were currently making their way over and I felt a strange nervousness cause my heart to speed up as they halted beside Mikhail.

"I, well, it was nice meeting you. I'm Aphrodite, by the way," I said, stumbling like a child over my words before turning around to walk away. It was then that I felt a click in my heart, like something had fallen into place. Like this was the start of something.

I'd cornered Violet in the bathroom shortly after second period and we were currently facing each other off, her upset frown seeming to cut me deeper and deeper.

"I'm sorry Violet. I never meant to cut you off I swear. I'm so sorry, please forgive me," I said, apologizing over and over and trying to control the tears from slipping. Losing people, I realized was one of my greatest fears and if I lost her, it would be like losing my mother all over again. I couldn't, wouldn't be able to handle that. Not a second time around.

"Oh god Roe calm down. I was just annoyed honey and I'm still grumpy from a lack of sleep. I'm so sorry, I didn't think you'd react this way," she said, her eyes widening in alarm as she pulled me into a tight hug. I clung to her and relief coursed through me. I wanted to slap myself for being so insecure but this insecurity was one of the long lasting damages my mother had done to me, and it wouldn't go away anytime soon.

"I'm sorry for overreacting," I said, feeling foolish as I looked to my feet. She tilted my head up so I could look at her. Her eyes were glistening with tears.

"I, nor Troy are leaving you anytime soon Roe. We're in this for life," she said and I gave her a watery smile, which she returned with one of her own.

The nighttime was probably the worst part of the day. Not because I feared ghosts or vampires, but because it was when loneliness began to creep on me. Especially after I'd finished all of my school work and done all the housework as well, I felt a dangerous loneliness seep into me as I set myself on the couch with my dinner in hand. I wanted someone by me, badly, but I'd probably never get anyone. My own mother hadn't stuck around. As if anyone else would. Violet and Troy were wonderful but in the end, they had found in each other a companion and I was merely their friend. I wanted someone that I could really talk to, someone who would truly understand.

I took my dinner outside and settled myself on the lawn chair. I probably looked ridiculous, wrapped in an oversized jacket with a chicken salad in my hand. I would have drifted off with only the moon for company, if I hadn't heard voices. I almost jolted at first before I realized someone had moved in next door and a group of boys had come outside the house to lay down in their lawn.

On closer inspection, I realized they were the three boys from school and, being slightly creepy, I looked at them as the three lay down next to each other and looked up at the stars while speaking to each other. I wanted something like that and I wished my mother had had another child. Actually no, my sibling would have probably left me as well.

Maybe it was my overwhelming desire for company or simply my boredom that prompted me to be braver than I usually was as I got up to my feet to make my way to the common fence our two houses shared.

I didn't draw their attention though but they still looked my way and as our eyes clashed, I felt another click inside my heart. 

3 new main characters/potential love interests and a bonding session between Violet and Roe!! Hope you liked it!! This chapter was fun to write, not as heavy and sentimental as my chapters usually are. 

Do you like the boys so far?? I've only introduced them but still, any favorites? I personally love all three and I'll be exploring their characters more in the next chapter so stay tuned. They're a lot more complex than they seem. 



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