Thirty Seven

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I was in my bedroom brushing my hair after a long, hot shower when I heard a soft knock at the door. I called for them to enter and Alexei came into the room with mug of hot tea in his hand.

"Mikhail would have made it but he's talking with Ivan. I apologize in advance if the tea poisons you." I cracked half a smile in his direction before plucking the mug from his hand and placing it on the bedside table. I kept my hand in his and he sat down beside me on the bed, playing with my fingers.

"Are you alright darling." I didn't look at him. I'd buried the red dress in my mother's closet as soon as I'd gotten home and taken a scalding hot shower. I could still feel it though, the pad of his fingers. In all the rush of what had happened after that kiss, I thought my mind would have let it go. But now, all I could see was the image like it was burned onto the back of my lids and it dominated my every thought.

"I'm fine." It was so far from the truth. Alexei released my fingers and pulled me by the shoulders into him. I crawled into his lap without even realizing what I was doing and buried my face into the crook of his neck. My legs wrapped around his waist as my arms wound around his neck. His hand rubbed gently down the curve of my spine as he pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder. I closed my eyes and in the peace of that moment, in the security of his arms, I finally found the strength to voice what had happened tonight.

"He kissed me and he touched me. I, I stopped him before anything happened." That hand on my back froze for just a second before it moved once again. His other arm came around me to secure me in his arms more firmly. They were shaking, shaking with anger for Andrei. I could feel his anger rising. He wanted to hurt Andrei but he'd shove that anger aside because right now, I needed him more.

"Let it out darling. You can't move past it without letting it run its course." Perhaps he'd told himself this when he'd lost his family. I could imagine a young, frightened boy crying for weeks when he thought no one could see after losing everything he'd ever loved. He'd probably hurt so much. The first of the tears I'd tried so hard to hide dripped on to his neck followed by so many more. It was an endless stream that wouldn't stop. Alexei didn't speak. He only kept me close to him and gently rocked me back and forth like a child. It only made me cry harder. Had anyone been there to do this for him? When my tears finally stopped, I leaned back to look at Alexei's face. They were ravaged with grief and a hint of self-hatred.

"This isn't your fault love." His eyes shuttered closed as I reached one hand up to trace his cheek. He'd probably take all the pain in the world if he could spare our family of it.

"No it isn't my fault but I still blame myself for it and so will Ivan and Mikhail. The one thing you asked of us, to protect you physically, we couldn't give. I'm sorry darling. I'm so sorry." I wanted to weep as a single lone tear slipped from Alexei's eyes. I wiped it away with the pad of my finger. He caught my wrist and looked up at me with a heartbreaking expression I never ever wanted to see on his face.

"Never again," he mumbled. He sensed my unaddressed question.

"I don't care what I'll have to do to ensure it but I promise you Aphrodite that no one will ever hurt you again in our presence and if someone does, they'll never be able to hurt anyone else ever again." There was nothing there but cold, merciless wrath in his voice as he pulled my head closer to his. Our foreheads touched, sealing the vow he'd just made.

"I love you," I whispered into the space between us.

"I love you too. In you, Aphrodite, I see my future and I've never wanted anything more in my life than a lifetime with you." I couldn't help the watery smile that came across my face as I planted a kiss on his forehead before drawing back. 

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