Twenty Eight

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They'd given me the address but refused to accompany me to the actual location. In Alexei's words, they'd heard this story "one too many times". Although they'd said it in a joking tone, I could sense Ivan's hidden cataclysmic rage and Alexei's profound, deep-rooted sadness. I had no doubt that one-day, whoever had caused Mikhail such torment would be ended by none other than those two.

I was currently standing in front of a dilapidated old building and I could faintly see a figure sitting on the rooftop. Even from this distance, I could tell it was him. He was alone and sat completely still. I almost didn't see him for a second. He seemed to blend into the dark sky behind him. I felt second thoughts threatening to turn me back home. What if he'd wanted to be left alone? What if he'd meant what he'd said? I shook my thoughts off. I'd promised Alexei I'd try.

The figure in the distance turned its head in my direction. No doubt he'd spotted me. I suppose there was no turning back now. I looked to the side of the building and noticed a rickety old fire escape that spiraled upwards. It was too dark to see where it let out at the top. Hopefully, that would lead me to the roof. I slowly climbed up, feeling apprehension and heaviness in every step I took like my very soul grew old. No part of me doubted that Mikhail's story would be devastating.

As I rounded the corner of the last step, I noticed with crushing disappointment that the steps fell short of the roof. I'd have to haul myself up. I reached up and just as I firmly gripped the roof, I felt my feet leave the ground. A part of the spiral staircase had broken off and landed on the ground far below me with a crash. For one dizzying, heart-stopping moment, I thought I'd plummet to my death with it. My heart rate spiked and before I could even think, a panicked gasp escaped me.

Within seconds, I felt hands under my arms and I was hauled on to the roof with ease. I collapsed ungracefully into a hard chest and looked up into a pair of beautiful brown eyes. His grip on me was still firm and I noticed the terror in his eyes. I realized he must have thought I'd fallen when I'd emitted that gasp. He thought he'd lost me. Sure enough, under the palm of my hand, his heart was racing. His gaze roved over me several times in worry and anxiety. His grip on me tightened like I'd slip away.

"Thank you," I said, my breath heaving. It was then that he seemed to come to his senses and he rapidly removed his arms from around me. He shot up before returning to his seated position at the far corner of the roof. I remained seated where I was and kept the distance between us. I could almost see the bubble of isolation he'd encased himself in. We remained silent and the silence was like a chasm between us filled with his murky secrets. Without even meaning to, I began to speak. The words flowed off my tongue before I even registered them.

"When my mother first started the diets and the exercise, it was because she'd wanted to be a model when she was younger. She wanted to live out her dreams through me. On the day that she left, I asked her to choose, her dreams or me. She couldn't reply. She just apologized...for not loving me, for not choosing me. And yet, to this day I still love her with all my heart.

I'm not saying this to you to make you feel pity. I just want you to know that I care for you, and one day in the future I can see myself in love with you as well. At that time, my love for you won't have anything to do with your past, your scars or your weaknesses. I'll love you for everything you are, flaws and all just as I love my mother. All I ask in return is that you give us a chance and for as long as you want me by your side; I'll show you just how much you're worth. You deserve the world Mikhail and all the love it has to offer," I said as if in a trance. This honesty with him was easy. I kept my gaze on the ground beneath the entire time I spoke. I felt like I was falling through space as I said those words. I felt lighter than I'd been when I'd arrived and each word I'd said had come from the deepest crevices of my heart. I'd bared my heart to him and I could offer him nothing else. I'd tried.

Four Broken Pieces ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang