Be Honest

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Dave's POV

I pushed back my chair and swiveled it around me, focusing on the ceiling as it spun continuously.

I can't help but think, my thoughts fading into Abby's face. Why did she feel so familiar? Yet I can't seem to remember where and when we last met.

A light knock came from my door, telling me someone was about to enter. I arched my back and cleared my throat before beckoning for them to enter.

"Come in"

In came a fellow worker of mine, female to be exact. Her pace slow and steady as she eyed me carefully.

"Files from Sir Zachery, he came a few minutes ago and asked me to give you this Sir" She smiled as she spoke, handing me the files. Taking it quickly from her hands I motioned for her to leave the office.

A scowl imprinted on her face, but she soon left without a word.

I rubbed my forehead in irritation, this is why I don't like hiring secretaries that find our relationship on a higher level, business stays as that and never anything beyond than it.

I flipped the folder open, seeing the contract that Zach and I have agreed on.

And there it is, his sign written on the very corner that says he approves of the deal.

A small smirk escaped my lips as I closed the folder shut and stood up.

Then my vision spun, and I was greeted by another memory.

I caught sight of a small enclosed room, a restroom. I could see two people talking, arguing actually, mumbling words to each other that I couldn't seem to hear. And lastly, unbelievably, they started kissing.

The vision ended and I stumbled backwards with a sharp intake of breath, surfacing back to reality. Who was that? And why did they have to do it in a restroom?

I took the bottle of water on my table and gulped down its content, throwing it to a bin after finishing it.

I held the files in my hand, reading it as I walked, I entered inside the office connected to mine.

Three years ago, my father told me that I was severely injured back then. A huge gash rested on my back and blood was dripping down my forehead when they found me. He treated me privately and hired a persoal doctor to keep the press and media out of the way. He wiped all information about my accident, even in the internet he used connections to shut down websites about this.

I was in a coma for three months, he was so happy to see me awake. Mom was in Italy since when I awoke but he told her that I was finally back.

But I had lost my memories, my father told me that a strong impact on the head during my accident caused me to lose my memories.

He helped me recover and helped me remember, telling me everything about my work, family and relationship.

As of now, he told me that I didn't have any serious relationship with anyone else. I only had one night stands and short time flings but nothing serious. He told me he'll soon find me someone worthy and suitable of my taste.

Sure, I trusted him. He is my father after all, but why did it feel like he missed to tell me something important?

I heard voices as I entered, grabbing my attention.

A man with dark hair and hazel eyes was carrying a box, while a lady had its back infront of me, she had long wavy hair and brown locks that matched her fair skin.

The man stopped mid stentence, his eyes finding mine in an instant. I could see the surprised look on his face that mixed with the fear that darkened them, his muscles tense and rigid, I could tell that he was nervous.

He also looked very familiar.

The lady took the box from the man before speaking. "I used to work here three years ago"

My lips parted in surprise, my mind buzzing with conclusions. Did I hear that correctly? Was she lying? I've never seen her work here before, and If she did I would've known about it, I was the CEO after all.

She turned and caught sight of me, her eyes looked more vibrant and blue than the last time we met.

Somehow, her eyes looked more pretty in the night.

I tried my hardest not to smug.

Her expression was similar to the man she was with, surprised and afraid. Why where they acting like that infront of me?

I furrowed my brows and as if she expected it, I asked her about her statement earlier.

"You've worked here three years ago?"

The look on her face was enough to be an answer.


Abby's POV

I wanted to tell him, spill out every moment we spent when I worked here, but something was restraining me from doing the one thing I wanted to do so badly.

I walked on weak legs as I placed the box on the table. "I didn't mean that specifically" I stammered and avoided his stare on me, he was trying to find answers and I wasn't ready to give him any.

I looked back at Charles, seeing him still frozen and unable to speak was enough to confirm that he was going to interrogate me soon.

I gasped when I felt Dave's hand on my wrist, I looked up to find him much closer to me seconds ago.

My free hand was then clasped by another, I knew quickly that this was Charles, and déja vu felt so real right now.

Here we go.

"Abby, can I have a word with you?" Dave started, pulling me ever so slightly.

Charles ignored his question and tugged me to his side, but Dave pulled me still and it was like we were in the game of tug of war.

And I was the rope.

Charles spoke through gritted teeth, his anger fluctuating as he tried his best to control it. "Listen here, you don't know her that well for you to talk in private. She's coming with me."

I pulled away from both of them and rubbed both of my wrists. I knew that I needed to pick a side, and I need to do it now.

"Stop it, I know that this is hard for both of you" I paused, thinking of the right words to explain.

I turned to Dave before speaking. "Dave needs an explanation, he has been asking me many questions lately"

A small smile made its way on his face, quickly fading to a thin line as I he glanced back to Charles.

Dave motioned for me to follow him, walking to his office as he left me and Charles alone.

I stopped at the door, turning to Charles who's eyes were clouded with regret and anxiety.

"Please Abby, you'll regret this"

I looked down to my feet, feeling the consequences of my actions coming in to surface.

"I know, and I have to endure it"

I opened the door and entered inside Dave's office.

Every word I speak will determine whether he's worth risking for or he'll leave me like a broken glass, shattered and fractured.


Hey Guys!

Here's a new update to you ya'll, hope you enjoyed it!

Really sorry for updating a few days late, exams have came in this week and I'm super stressed on passing. So here I am preparing for another exam.

Anyways, that'll be all for now, Don't forget to Comment and Vote :)

See you in the next update ;)

Lots of Love❤
- Author

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