Three Weeks Prior...

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My heart jumped into the back of my throat. The popping sound got louder as I neared the end of the hallway. Why was I doing this? Out of all of us, why me?

Hi, I'm Samantha. I made it to my Junior year in high school before everything went to shit.

The bell echoed throughout the hallways as first period ended. I swept up my bag, walking outside to meet Maggie by her locker. "Ready?" I asked, sweeping my black bangs out of my eyes. Maggie nodded, her shoulder-length curls bouncing up and down. "Yeah, I am." We interlaced our arms, walking down to Dance.

My face drooped as I walked past Ashlyn, cringing at her clown makeup. She's ridiculous. I thought to myself, making my way down to the Star steppers dance practice room. There, Maggie and I met up with Marissa, Madison and the rest of the dancers.

Alyssa and Loranna had gone off to choir, and they were on a trip today, so it was just us. Devin and Aiden were staying home today, because they had both caught the flu. So, it was still, just us.

"Alyssa and Loranna should be back tomorrow, right?" I asked curiously. "Yeah," Marissa started. The only reason why she hadn't gone was because she had decided to stay behind to help with the dance that was happening tonight. The freshman dance, oh, the one dance a year that was actually kind of fun and lighthearted.

We all began to make our way to the cafeteria, when Loranna burst through the door, long, shaggy purple hair whipping into her face. "Loranna? What're you doing here?" Madison blurted, tilting her head in confusion, her bob swaying.

"Th-there's something big coming, the bus broke down near an old farm, an elderly couple came out...except they weren't, uh... they weren't alive." Sweat poured down Loranna's face, her fringe sticking to her forehead as she slowed her breathing, sitting down on one of the tables. Marissa and I exchanged looks, raising an eyebrow.

Minutes later, shrieks rang through the hallways. Trampling footsteps came closer and closer to the room. Finally, someone burst through the doorway.


THE ENTRY (Book one of two)Where stories live. Discover now