Chapter 2: Samantha.

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The entire room fell silent as everyone huddled into the back corner of the room, the lights off. The only thing audible was the slow, rhythmic breathing of everyone. A faint clack of heels echoed down the narrow hallway. As the sound got closer, it no longer sounded like heels. It was popping. Everyone held their breath as a dark, deformed twitching body spasmed into the view of the glass door.

They're here.

More began to accumulate around the area, slowly filling up. "...What are those?" Someone squeaked. I turned to Loranna, her face grim. "They're the undead." She spoke softly, crouching down. Someone began to cry loudly, mumbling nonsense about how their parents were probably dead and how she would never see them again. We were in a cafeteria filled with about two hundred girls, all blockaded into a room with the undead wandering around less than 50 feet away.

They're here.

I slowly rose, my hands clenching. My bullet belt clanked loudly, but before I could stop it, one of the undead's heads cranked to the side, glaring in with it's soulless milky-white eyes.

One week later

All of us had evacuated, splitting into our groups. We all sat outside of the school in the woods, sheltered by some low trees. "We should contact Aiden and Devin," I suggested, rubbing my temples as I tore off any loud garments, tossing them into the forest as Loranna sat in the corner trying to start a fire.

Madison took out her phone a moment later, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'm not sure if there's any cell reception here," She spoke softly, typing in her password. She rang up Aiden, speaking to her quietly over the phone. A worried look crossed her face, but she quickly hid it.

She hung up, pocketing her phone, turning towards us. "Alright guys, tomorrow morning, we're heading south. We're all gonna meet up at Aiden's house. Her and Devin are safe there."

Loranna looked over, letting off a strange frown. "Why was nobody informed of this outbreak? It all happened so suddenly, and still, nothing." Alyssa glanced over, letting out a prolonged sigh. "We're going to have to find some weapons." She let out a grim look upon her face.

Everyone was completely silent for the passing hours, until Maggie rolled over onto my lap, pouting. "I can't sleep, I feel too vulnerable and things keep crawling on me!" I patted her hair for a moment before sighing and pushing myself to my feet. Everyone was asleep except for Alyssa and Loranna who were playing the game sticks over in the corner of our little tree "hideout."

"I'm going to go outside to explore," I tapped my foot in the dirt, holding onto a low branch. "Be back in thirty minutes sharp," Alyssa warned, looking up from her intense game of sticks. I bowed out of the hideout, trudging quietly through the forest. My eyes moved upwards, scanning the tips of the trees, looking at the moon that shone through the leaves, casting a spiraling downwards shadow that seemed to claw throughout the trunks of the trees. Everything seemed to protrude more at night, making things ten times scarier. Maybe leaving myself alone with my thoughts in the dark with the undead walking around wasn't the best idea after-all.

After about ten minutes of uninterrupted walking, I came across a small clearing from the thick brush, which seemed utterly inviting. Me being me, I was emo as shit, so I blended right in with all the dark surrounding me.

I sat down in the underbrush, admiring the silence.

This then quickly changed by the click of a trigger next to my temple.

THE ENTRY (Book one of two)Where stories live. Discover now