Chapter 6: Marissa.

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I stood in the doorframe, keeping my eyes shut. I didn't feel like having to interact with anyone at the moment, considering everything was really weighing me down right now. I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to see everyone else, and I had been trying really hard in hopes of believing that they weren't actually dead. I rubbed my face, taking a deep breath to see what all the commotion was about.

I made my way down the steps, keeping my footsteps light and quiet. My hands brushed the wall, touching a painting that Riya had made on a small canvas. All I wished to do was get back to everyone, in order to feel safe.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs, snapping out of my deep thoughts. Alyssa and Riya stood by the couch, where Maggie lay, pulling against the restraints. Her jaw snapped at them, popping like a hip joint on a cold winter morning. It really was unpleasant seeing her this way, but she looked in pain. I really did hate to see her this way, her blood spilled all over the couch and the floor, her flesh rotting against her face, her muscles tense as if she were about to explode, and her eyes pleaded for this to stop.

"How do we make her stop?!" Riya yelled over the loud popping of her jaw. Alyssa glanced over to me, waiting for me to react. "I dunno if this is like in the movies where you have to destroy the brain in order to stop it, but it's worth a shot." Alyssa spoke in a low, mellow tone, attempting to keep everyone calm.

Maggie began to make whining noises, as if she were a dog. It sounded like a wounded puppy which really hurt. She sounded in pain and she had good reason to be in it.

"Get me a blunt object." I spoke softly. Alyssa whirled around to face me. "Come again?" Alyssa tilted her head, her stringy hair falling into her eyes. "I said, get me a blunt object." I glared at the wall, raising my voice with a hint of sassiness. Maggie continued to groan in the other room as I moved to the kitchen myself, grabbing one of the rolling pins from Riya's cabinet. I stalked back into the room, raising the pin above my head, I smashed it into Maggie's temple. "Please tell me this is just a dream!" I shrieked as the wood smashed into her fragile head, splattering her insides all over the wall and me.

I shook, my mouth gaping wide open. "D-did I just kill her..?" I dropped the rolling pin, letting it clatter to the wooden floor. "I killed her...I'm a murderer." I whispered, lifting my hands to my mouth.

Alyssa walked over, grabbing my wrist and backhanding me. The clap of her hand against my skin wrang throughout the room. Everything was still. Completely silent. I let out a small gasp, holding my cheek. "Get yourself together! This is our life now! People are gonna die, deal with it!"

Deal with it.

How do you deal with this?

"I-I'm sorry." I backed off, running upstairs. "I can't take this anymore, I can't live like this." I began hyperventilating, holding my chest, trying to get some air. I shut my eyes, letting out a pained laugh. "I can't live like this! I'm going crazy!" I screamed, sinking to the floor. I attempted to collect myself, but I couldn't stand this anymore. I had lost almost all my sanity and had almost nothing left. I felt no need to live through this, so what was the point?

I stumbled into the bathroom, clinging onto the doorframe. "I just wanted a normal life...I wanted to get a real job, go to college, and actually live! Not kill my friends!" I screamed to the vast empty space in front of me.

I rummaged through the large basket of Riya's medication, looking for something reasonable. I flipped over bottles upon bottles of pills, reading the 'death lables' on the back. I scanned through the warning labels on the back, searching. Searching for the perfect combination to end all of my pain and suffering.

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