Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"What do you mean by that?" Sonia Alexander almost screamed at the person who had the guts to tell her the very unacceptable news. "I have completed all the legal formalities, signed every paperwork, made all the arrangements, I have even bought the damn furniture and now you are telling me that you cannot sell the land?! This is so unprofessional! I need to talk to your boss. No, I don't want an appointment. Tell him to meet me in the court otherwise - yes; I very well know who he is but I don't think he knows who I am! I will meet him and talk to him and he will sell the land to me. I have paid the advance for it goddammit! Why am shouting? Oh, I'm being unprofessional? Fine. You want professionalism? Tell him to meet me. If he wants, I'll come to his office. Now, only call me back when he decides to have that meeting with me. You have twenty-four hours or I will see you in court. Good bye!"

Throwing the phone on the bed, Sonia couldn't help but murmur curse after curse. A calm person otherwise, her patience was rarely tested. She never, ever shouted. Because of her friendly and out-going nature, there were not many instances like this in her work. People liked her and always co-operated.

So, now, when her almost paid-for land was being taken away from her, how could she remain calm?

This is FRAUD in capital letters!

What did they think? That just because she is not of this country, they have the upper hand or something? So what if she is not an Italian? She is a business-woman, and a woman with brains. Although she never felt her work as a philanthropist as business, but it was for the others who were working with her and it was certainly for them. And she knows when people are being over smart. She is not stupid.

The thing is, she just cannot start everything all over again. Finding this land for her orphanage took her almost three months. It won't be difficult to do it all again but she just doesn't have the time. She has to leave in less than six months and the construction of the orphanage has to start in the next four days, if  the foundation is to be completed before she leaves. It will be difficult but she knows it is possible. She's been doing this for years. Opening orphanages for kids, helping them have a family again, giving them a new life, seeing them happy is her passion.

Walking towards the window, she thought of all the times she has been successful in making a child smile, a family complete. Her mother used to tell her how life can sometimes be so unfair but luckily, Sonia was lucky to have a loving mother, a protective father and an annoying, yet adorable little sister. She had a complete family and because she had the power, she wanted everyone to have one. That is why she opened orphanages, temporary houses for kids until they find their permanent homes. After opening five orphanages in four different countries, Italy was her fifth. She had high hopes for this one because this orphanage was going to be the largest of all her other orphanages. Like a dream. But the owner of the land had suddenly refused to sell the land to her.

Remembering the call, her anger started to rise again. How can someone be so harsh? She could see that the man was heartless. Who could not want to lend a hand in helping those unfortunate children? He said he was a businessman, then why did he refuse to sell the land for which she was ready to pay more than the market price?

No, I have to fight. 

I cannot just let this happen.

Her frustration was rising minute by minute. She needed to cool down before her neighbours complained about her screaming. So, taking her jacket and the keys from the kitchen counter, she walked out of the door towards the small café across the road. She needed caffeine and cake in her system.

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