Chapter 5

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Chloe Grace Mortez as Tara

Sonia's lawyer and friend

Chapter 5


"Yes, keep it there!" Sonia said to the worker who had a bunch of wood panels behind him. It was lunch break now and she was feeling starved, being surviving on a cup of coffee almost every two hours since seven in the morning.

She was up from five am, getting everything ready, papers and documents, etc so that the construction would start as soon as possible with no problem. She had arrived at the site at seven am and the workers were there by seven thirty. It was one pm now and the sun was on the heads. After a half an hour breakfast break at ten thirty am, work had sped up at a quick speed, everyone working hard and she was just running from one place to another. Tara had arrived a few hours ago but it hadn't calmed her at all. Sonia wanted to achieve her goal of the day before the second shift of workers would arrive by four pm to start to complete the goal of the night before it hit eleven pm on the watch.

"Sonia!" Tara shouted. Sonia looked behind her to see Tara's hands full with food and drinks. "Help!"

Sonia chuckled before walking towards her friend and taking half the things from her hands.

"What is all this?" Sonia asked as they put the food on a dingy table.

"Lunch! And this drink, I don't know what it is called but it is cold and looks very pretty!" Tara said as she held up a transparent plastic glass which was filled with a rosy coloured liquid. It had the logo of a coffee brand and Sonia took it.

"Are you sure there's no alcohol in it?" Sonia asked as the drink looked too pretty to keep you sober.

"Yes! I think its called raspberry something." Tara said and took a long sip of the beverage. "Yumm, it's so good! Try it!"

"Yes, it's good." Sonia said after tasting it. "But I have no time for lunch. So you eat, I will work."

"What? Honey, you haven't eaten since ten thirty and even then, all you had was a sandwich! So sit down and eat this otherwise what will I tell your mother? She has given me the responsibility of feeding you three full meals a day, snacks included." Tara said and Sonia rolled her eyes. "Suddenly I am also your nanny!"

"Okay, I will eat but later, please?" Sonia requested but Tara shook her head.

"Well, I am very hungry right now so can you please give me some company?" A deep sound said from behind Sonia and she looked back.

"Mr Barzetti, what are you doing here?" She asked, scratching her ear.

"Good afternoon to you too, Sonia." He chuckled and looked at Tara. "Hello, I am Drago Barzetti."

"Hello, I am Tara, Sonia's lawyer and friend." Tara said slowly, staring at the handsome man in front of her.

"So, what do you say? Lunch?" He asked again.

"Sure but what are you doing here? Don't want to sound rude but-

"I know; what I am doing here after selling you the land. Well, I was curious to see what were you doing and also, I was thinking of donating something, anything you need, to the orphanage. So I came here to discuss that with you." He said and Sonia nodded.

"That's really nice of you. You can talk to Tara here for that." She said, biting her lip and pointing at Tara, who was discreetly staring at Drago.

"Of course." He asked again and Sonia looked at Tara.

"Let's have the discussion while eating, I am starving!" Tara said and quickly went to get three plastic chairs. Placing them around the table, they sat down and helped themselves with the delicious smelling pasta and some breadsticks.

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