Chapter 24

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The word girlfriend  hung in the air as Thomas grinned, unaware of the discomfort on the man and the woman's faces who stood before him. Sonia felt the smile on her face falter and Drago stood there silently, not knowing what to say suddenly.

"I am not his girlfriend." Sonia clarified as quickly as she could and Drago felt that he was not pleased by the sudden haste in her voice.

Is the thought so revolting?

"I mean." She cleared her throat and looked at Drago. "We are

"Friends." Drago completed the sentence with one word as Thomas looked at them.

"Oh, my bad. Sorry." Thomas laughed softly. "I just thought-

"It's okay." Sonia smiled and nodded.

"Anyways, please enjoy your meal and for my old friend, it will be on the house!" Thomas said with a sweet smile and patted Drago's back.

"It's fine, we have have already paid for it so-

"No, no, not at all! It will be on the house and that's done." Thomas said and nodded to himself before walking away.

Sonia and Drago looked at each other, the awkwardness in the air was thick before he started talking.

"Let's?" He said, gesturing her towards the tables.

She nodded and they walked to the food tables and after filling their plates, walked to the chairs.

As they started eating in silence, Sonia felt suffocated in the quietness surrounding their table. It wasn't something she was happy with. When Thomas had referred to her as Drago's girlfriend, all she could think was, were they looking like a couple? Did they give a boyfriend-girlfriend vibe to people? When they were in the market a few weeks ago or in that diner a few days ago, did people think they were together, like Thomas did today? Why did he think so?

All these thoughts had created havoc in her head in flat thirty seconds and she had clarified it as quickly as she could but had not missed the look on Drago's face when she had said that. Maybe his ego was hurt but their reputation was more important that his ego. Still, she felt bad that he looked upset and she didn't like it. After all, he was treating her to a birthday meal!

"This is really good." She said, pointing to the pasta in her plate. "Probably my favorite."

"Really?" He said and smirked. "It's my favorite too! Ten years and this still has the same, delicious taste."

"They served these ten years ago too?" She asked with surprise.

"Yes. Sometimes I used to come here only to eat this." He chuckled and took a bite.

"Then this is really authentic!" She laughed and he nodded.

"You had any doubt?" He asked with a frown but in a playful manner.

"I don't now." She said with a smirk and chuckled. "Maybe."

The silence no more, they started talking as they ate and drank. As they talked, Drago felt a strange warmth at the small table of the restaurant, something which he didn't remember he had ever felt in a long time. Unknown to him, she was feeling it too.

Sonia relished the meal and their conversation with all her heart. It had been years since she had felt so much at ease in a foreign country with a stranger. She couldn't understand how all this was happening. Yes, Drago was not completely a stranger but he wasn't her best friend or even an acquaintance. How come she was sitting here, eating cheese and talking randomly about waterfalls with one of Italy's most successful and wealthiest men was beyond her imagination.

"This was really good." Sonia said after they finished the last of their wine. "Thank you so much for this."

"I am glad you liked it." Drago smiled. "Now you have another place to eat around here."

"I definitely do!" She chuckled and nodded.

"Shall we?" He asked and stood up while Sonia quickly wiped her mouth.

"Yes." She said and stood up as well.

They walked out of the hall and passed the reception, where Thomas was talking to a tourist. As he saw them leaving, he quickly went up to them.

"I was waiting for you!" He said and signaled one of his staff. The young man quickly walked inside.

"Anything important? You were talking to someone, so I thought not to disturb you." Drago explained but Thomas shook his head.

"Just wanted to give you something." He said and the young man came out of the restaurant, with two bags in his hands. Thomas took them and handed it over to Drago and Sonia.

"What's this?" Drago frowned and opened the bag. "Cake? Since when did you start selling cakes?"

"Since I wanted to, three years ago. They are in my secret menu. There are three types. Mocha cream, mango and my favorite, pink lemonade! It's a secret recipe!" Thomas grinned in excitement.

"It's too much!" Sonia said. "We really can't take it!"

"There's nothing as too much when it comes to cakes! And they are mini cakes so I think you will be fine!" Thomas said and nodded to himself as Drago chuckled.


"Come on, it's your birthday after all, cake is must!" Drago said looking at her and Thomas gasped.

"It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me before!" He grumbled and Sonia smiled.

"You never asked." She shrugged.

"Ah, the old answer. Why didn't you tell me? Because you never asked!" Thomas mimicked and Sonia laughed loudly, covering her mouth and looking away.

"Thank you so much." Drago said to Thomas. "I am sure they are as delicious as all your food. But it's late now so we will be leaving now." He chuckled.

"Yes, thank you." Sonia nodded with a smile and shook Thomas's hand.

"Well, I hope I will see you both again soon!" Thomas said as they sat in the car.

"I don't know about me but I am sure she will be here again in a week or so." Drago said and Sonia nodded, agreeing.

"So, we will celebrate your birthday then! Bye!" Thomas waved goodbye as they drove off.

The ride back to Sonia's apartment was mostly filled with them eating the cakes and trying not to spill them in the car or on themselves, as they laughed loudly on the empty roads. Soon, they reached her place and Drago got down.

"Thank you-

"So much. I know. It's okay. I am glad you had fun, right?" He said and completed his sentence with a question.

"I did." She nodded with a smile. "I really did."

"I did too." He said in a soft tone and she sighed.

"I should...go now. It's quite late." She said, looking at her phone which said 11:40 pm.

"Yes, yes." Drago nodded as she smiled and walked up the stairs. He didn't leave until she had gotten inside her apartment and he saw the lights turn on.


I do not own the picture. Credit goes to owner.

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