
707 39 110

kayden | emma


"Pablo speaking, he says he might have diarrhea from the food you made. " Kayden said, frowning from across the dinner table.

". . ."

"Ello? Pablo speaking. He's in a crisis currently. Bad case of constipation mixed with extreme diarrhea crisis."

"God Kayden, you're such an idiot."

"Thanks. I know."

Emma rolled her eyes as she picked up her fork and knife and started to claw away the steak into pieces.

"What has the steak ever done to you?"

Emma glared at him. "Why did I even agree to dinner with you?"

"Because I invited you. By the way, if you weren't aware, your cooking sucks."

Emma kicked him from under the table.

"Ow woman, what the hell was that for?"

"For insulting my great cooking skills."

"Yeah okay. Whatever you say."

"You're being mean."

"Says the one that kicked me."

"You deserved it for insulting me."

"It wasn't an insult, it was a fact."

That earned him another kick.

"OUCH!" Kayden shouts as he threw his steak at Emma's face. "KARMA IS A HOE."

"THAT WAS MY FIRST EVER BUN AND NOW I HAVE TO GO WASH MY HAIR BECAUSE OF THE STUPID STEAK GREASE." Emma yells before taking the plate of ravioli that Kayden make and pour the food on his head.

"Ewwwww, my head is on its period with chunky shit coming out of it."

Emma let out a mistaken laugh because she wasn't aware Kayden had pour orange juice all over her.

"Oh my god Kayden. I will castrate you."

"Please leave my testicles alone."

Emma was about to jump on top of him and dunk a bowl of macaroni and cheese when she slipped and fell on top of him.

And then she dump the remaining of the macaroni on his face.

"Great, there's chunky pee too."

Emma let out a hearty laugh.

"You know, I enjoy you being on top of me. Shows me the dominance inside of you." Kayden winked.

"Oh babe, you haven't see dominance yet." She purred.

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