None of the Above

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I feel like crying.

I don't even want to go into depth on why and how this makes me feel because then that means I actually care for Eli and right now I need to care less.

A lot less.

My heart is still beating faster and my arms are shaking. My whole body is shaking from the whole situation.

Not only do I feel like crying, I feel like screaming, punching and just about anything to release what is boiling inside me.

The hallways are empty, surprisingly we still have some time left for lunch. Everybody is probably getting their last few minutes of free time in before its back to the grind.

I consider leaving school early again, but that would mean skipping class two times this week. Momma ain't got that kind of grades to be skipping school two times in a week.

I consider sucking it up and finishing the rest of the day with everyone staring at me, laughing at me because of whatever game Eli was playing.

Neither choice sounds good... None of the above sounds like a great option to choose  right now.

I wish I was a superhero. That sounds like the better option.

My mind drifts to the idea of my super powers that I don't even realize that I've been stopped until I hear his voice.


My eyes follow to the shoulder he laid a hand on and I push it off. I look to see if there's anyone watching us. Then I continue my stroll.

"Don't touch me you nasty napal."

Eli jumps to my view and into my path, slowing me down.

"I need to explain-"

Dodging his try at stopping me, I interrupt him before he actually thinks I care about what dump he has to say.

"It's too late for that,"  I spit out, taking a quick turn into another hallway, "I gave you a chance to talk and that option has expired the second you said you have nothing to say."

Eli steps ahead of me and turns so he's walking backwards.  He gives me a guilty look and takes in a deep breath.  His vulnerability is showing again and I watch intently to see any signs of it being an act.

So far there's nothing.

He runs his hands through his dark hair and looks back at me as he follows my steps next to me.

"This not how any of it was supposed to go."

I laugh at the idea of Eli actually planning something like this. What was supposed to happen? The kiss being performed in the auditorium where everyone could see? So everyone could record me?

Then my heart stopped; something like this was really being planned? I can't believe this, he really planned to kiss me and have everyone know about it. I stop my feet and his do the same, then glare into his blue, guilt filled eyes.

"I don't want to deal with you ever again."

I make a quick spin and continue my fast pace away from Eli.

"Please, Kimberly," his voice is desperate and it slows me down, he forces his appearance in front of me again and continues, "All you have to do is listen."

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