Sleeping With The Sharks

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Holy guacamole, this was perfect.

I watch as Aaron takes a huge bite of his overly loaded taco and smile with what feels like a sweet smile but probably just looks like a creeper smile.

Just outside of the towns public library was a totally rad taco truck. It's only been around for a few months, and considering the weather, there really wasn't much business going around for the truck.

Since it was frostbite cold outside, Aaron and I took the tacos to a coffee shop that knew Aaron a little too well.

Aaron caught me staring at him and shamefully gazes at his lap.

Sweet nips, he's too cute.

"My mom would always tease me about my table manners." Aaron mumbles, wiping his face with a napkin. Giggling softly, I take a small bite of my basic B taco before talking.

"Good thing this is a coffee table."

Aaron chuckles as he looks at me. It's true, the coffee shop only had about three tables that were occupied and the rest were dark wooden coffee tables with love seats surrounding each of them.

This time I caught Aaron staring at me, he held a soft smile and took a paper napkin to his greasy mouth. I realized I was staring at his mouth and embarrassingly looked away.

Great, now he thinks all you want is a kiss.  Aaron smiles back at me again and chuckles lightly before beginning a new conversation.

"You know, I don't remember much about you."

Thoughts on how much of an idiot I made myself look like in the last few years filled my body up with a nervous heat. I was always worried about moments like that, hoping that Aaron didn't remember any of my crazy stages.

"Well, that's a relief."

Aaron sat up quickly and raised his hands, as if he's defending his self.

"I-I mean I can't say-"

"No," I cut him off, placing my taco on a clean napkin, " I mean it really is a relief, I've been through plenty of weird phases that, I am fan-freaking-tastic you don't remember me."

Aaron chuckles then shakes his head, "It couldn't have been that bad."

Flashes of me in tie-dye and flower crowns dive into my mind and I cant help but smile. I know i'll regret telling him this but here we go.

He wants proof, i'll give him proof. Oh, please don't hate me.

"I used to think that being a vegetarian meant that I had to dress up in bed sheets and flowers."

Aaron stares at me for a second before slowly growing a large smile, with his growth, my smile began to develop and then we were both laughing uncontrollably.

"No way, you were a hippie."

Shrugging, I reply,  "Sir, yes, Sir I sure I thought I was."

Aaron shakes his head and smiles again.

My cheeks are in pain from smiling too much. My abs burn from the laughing, and I can definitely tell that Aaron is enjoying this conversation. We lock eyes for a while before Aaron breaks the connection to chuckle again.

"That's a relief to know because I used to dress like I was prepared for any type of apocalypse, back in my high school days."

Shut up! Aaron used to dress up like a doomsday prepper?! This cant be right, he's got to be joking.

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