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It's Saturday morning and I woke up to the sound of buzzing.

Just my luck it wasn't because of the toasty space heater in my room, oh no, it was my block of communication vibrating away on my desk all the way across the bedroom.

Like Sebastian predicted, I received a cold the day after I took my wonderful stroll home.

For four days, I was forced out of a warm bed to go to school and face the still roaring embarrassment of 'A-Cup's Fall' all with a stuffy nose, and sore throat.

Yeah, I'm Wonder Woman.

Thinking I could finally sleep in like any normal sick person on a Saturday morning, I was proved otherwise.

Why? Because some wide awake jackass thought it was a good idea to call me at seven in the morning.

With a creaky groan, I squinted to try and find my location before I even thought about getting up.

As soon as I sat up, the vibrating stopped, then welcomed the annoying ringing of the doorbell. Mom was out working, like she usually was every day of the week , and since I had no siblings, I was the only one annoyed and able to get the door.

Slowly, I took one foot off the bed to touch the freezing hard wood floor.

Way to go, Grandma it took you five minutes to step one foot on the floor.

The vibrations from my phone came back and mixed with the constant ringing of my doorbell, giving me a major headache.

I swear who ever was responsible for this, will get cut, test me.

Finally, it took twenty back to back missed calls for me to at least reach my phone and answer it.

"Will you stop ringing the doorbell?" I didn't even have enough energy to yell, not that I would want to with my throat still burning.

"Kim-Baby, open up, we got hot chocolate, ice cream and ordered hot soup." Olivia's soft sweet voice answered back. I can just picture her freezing out there with a tub of banana split ice cream in her hand.

"Who's with you?"

I was mentally crossing my fingers hoping Eli wasn't the part of 'we'. Yes, we are still feuding.

Once I came home, thanks to Sebastian. Carlos came to drop me off pizza and along came a spider, did not come over to apologize, but to yell at how dramatic I was.

That was also reason number twenty seven why my throat was sore.

"Sebby and Carlos."

Slowly, I returned to my warm bed before bumping the heater on full blast and sniffled a little.

"The key is taped under the mat. I'm in my room, make as little noise as possible."

I slapped my phone shut and tossed it next to my alarm clock on the floor before snuggling on the pillow, and shutting my eyes.

I couldn't go back to sleep. All I was thinking about was how I know I'm not going to sleep with those three in my room.

Minutes passed and I hear quiet
footsteps climbing up to the second floor towards my room. The door to my room creaked a little telling me that someone has arrived, I peeked through one eye and found Carlos smiling sadly at me.

His curls were stuffed in a grey thick beanie that looked wet from snow. He was holding a white disposable coffee cup in his hands said to be from Starbucks.

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