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There's actually a lot of gay people in the world, but they try to hide it and won't tell anyone because it's something that can't be easily said.

Akari would usually get dip for the chips, but it seems like she forgot it this time along with other things.

I started to feel bad from the look on her face. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to snoop around in her stuff.

"Ah, it's ok, I'm gay too" I quickly said.


There was some awkward silence for a couple seconds while we just stared at each other.

"....R-really?" Her face looked surprised and somehow happy.

"Wah, I'm so glad!" She suddenly exclaimed.

"Yeah" I smiled shyly.

We both smiled, but her cheeks started getting red.

"Oh, looks like I forgot the dip, I'll get it now" she left in a hurry.

I wonder if she actually felt the need to get the dip or if it was more of her trying to cope with the situation. Things like this are a bit embarrassing. I mean, you wouldn't want anyone finding out you're gay cause they found your stash, right?

We decided to watch a movie while eating, but the whole time I felt a bit uncomfortable. It was like I was being stared at, but when I looked at Akari she was just looking at the screen. Weird.

Afterwards, Akari's expression looked a bit differently.

"You know (y/n), I was trying to be nice before. But, I don't know if I can keep that up. You looked through my stuff without my permission, after all~" she smirked.

Oh, no. I knew something was off. I was too lucky to think I got off that easily.

"Listen, I'm sorry and I won't do it anymore. I didn't look through anything else, I swear!" I tried to persuade her.

"It's nothing that bad~ Just know that in the future, you have to do me a favor" she looked serious at the last part.

"What's that supposed to mean. I don't think I'll-"

"You. Looked. Through. My. Stuff. Don't be such a coward as to back away now, alright?" She smiled, but I could tell that she was serious.

I hope it'll be fine. Akari's got a very differing personality, one second she's so sweet the next she's cruel. Really, I can never predict what she's thinking. When people piss her off she gets back at them 2 times more. She's stolen people's stuff, locked people out of the school, and even beaten up people. You shouldn't get on her bad side.

People wonder why I'm friends with her, but she can be really nice as well. So far, she's never done anything that bad to me. Everyone says she treats me the best. I guess I agree, because I've known her more than her other friends.

I wonder what she's planning. Well, I'll worry about that later like I always do.

The next day at school, a random girl came up to me and said good morning. I was confused, but replied the same thing. She left to go to class shortly after. Wondering if I talked to her before, she looked faintly familiar. Have I seen her somewhere else?

When I went to class, I looked around and actually spotted her. Oh, so she's in my class. I don't really pay attention to those kinds of details, though.

What was her name again? Cha...chi...something?

The teacher did attendance and I actually payed attention this time.

"Chiho" he called.

"Here" I looked to see it was the girl from the morning. So that's her name.

She caught me staring at her, and looked back at me. It was an awkward moment as we locked eyes, but then she smiled at me. Huh.

(A/N: thanks for the votes/comments! Because of that I made an early(?) update. I don't know about you but I think 1 week is quick)

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