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I was running when I heard some noises in an alley. I stopped and walked nearer. More like, doesn't this sound like...?

"H-help...me" In between pauses, there was Chiho in the alley getting....

There was Chiho in the alley...

There was Chiho....

I couldn't think, my body reacted on its own without any instruction.

I lunged at Akari.

Akari's surprise made her let go.

Chiho began coughing loudly, coughing loudly but breathing.

"(Y/n)...! W-what are you...? Why are you...?" I was sure the face Akari had on right now was one full of pain and regret.

Only, I couldn't look at her.

I wasn't imagining it, Akari had tried to strangle Chiho. She tried to kill someone!

"(Y/n), it's not what it seems like, you have to listen to me" Akari began to try and coax the situation, but I wasn't having any of it.

"No! I won't listen to you, it's terrible!" I cried out in a trembling voice.

This couldn't be happening! Something like this...please tell me it's a dream.

Her words were fast paced and spoken in a rough manner. "I just wanted to protect you. I couldn't let her off so easy, not after she hurt you like that. How could someone hurt you? I can't forgive her. Don't you think someone like that is BETTER OFF DEAD!"

I lost my voice. Her potent shout had rattled me, but what was even worse was that look on her face. She was...smiling...?

She began laughing. "It really is so easy to kill people, so convenient. Just a flick of the wrist, just a stab there, just a fire, and they're gone forever. Why did it have to be ruined! It's all your fault Chiho...."

Chiho finally shouted with the little bit of breath she had regained. "I won't hurt her anymore, I won't tell anyone what happened here, I swear!"

Akari started walking closer to Chiho, but I went in front of Chiho.

"Go" I uttered.

Chiho didn't move for 3 seconds, but then understood.

"Thank you" That was the most sincere thing I had heard of her, before she took off running.

"You don't know what you're doing (y/n)..."

"No, I know what I'm doing. You don't because you're crazy!"

Crazy. Saying that word left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. It's filled with negativity and shame, something to ward people off. But that wasn't Akari. Akari was warm, kind, random but uplifting. Yet, can I really say she's like that after...after she's done this? Can I really say she's that kind of person, when it turns out I never knew her deeper feelings kept inside?

"You should only look at me, only hear my voice, and touch me only. You don't have to think about anything. (Y/n), you are mine"

She came closer to me and I didn't know what to do. Was Chiho still running away? Had she made it to safety? What had happened here before?

"I love you, (y/n)"

That was the last thing I heard before my consciousness faded.

(A/N: in 1 or 2 chapters you'll be able to pick between 2 choices in the story)

Yandere Female x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now