A Decision

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Rainkeeper paced the room, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. There had to be something he could do. The Icewing's searches had only gotten more thorough, and now they had taken to interrogating dragons about hybrids they knew about. They were digging deeper, and it was only a matter of time before someone slipped up, and Apple was exposed as his daughter. He shivered at the thought. Apple was practically a pure blooded Rainwing, but if the Icewings found out that he was her father, they'd kill her and Pear. He had to find some way to help them, but so far he only had one idea. A horrible idea, but it might be his best option. If he was out of the picture, then they would never suspect that Apple was a hybrid. If he was gone, no one would ever know. Her and Pear would be safe. It would work, but with all the questioning, he couldn't risk telling anyone where he was going. He had to keep it a secret. That thought felt like a pound of bricks on his shoulders as he considered how Pear would react if he should suddenly disappear. But if it was the only way to keep his family safe...He was willing to try.

"Ander!" Apple yelled. Her starry-eyed cousin spun around and tilted her head.

"Yes, my faithful matchmaker?" Ander replied.

"The stars tell you who everyone ends up with, right?"

"Yes, but I will not tell you the name of your soulmate even if you beg and bring me the head of the cursed star."

"What?" Apple shook her head. "No, I want you to tell me if Shadow and Rosie end up together." Ander looked at her slyly.


"Because they are perfect for each other and I need to know who to destroy if they don't end up together." Ander smirked.

"Yes, they end up together, but you cannot tell Shadow!" Apple shrieked and started jumping up and down with excitement. Shore walked over and eyes Apple curiously.

"What's goin-"

"I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!" Apple yelled. She flew off and did a flip of delight in the air. "RADOW SHALL RULE!!!!"

"...Do I even want to know?" Shore questioned. Ander shook her head.

"Nah, your time would be better spent kissing Orange." she insisted.

"Okay," he agreed. Then her words sunk in. "Wait what? Ander!" She ran away with a shriek and he chased after her. Ander laughed. If only he knew...

Rainkeeper had made up his mind. He had to protect his family, and there was only one way to do that. He waited until it was late at night, and Pear and Apple were sound asleep. Then he snuck out of bed and headed for the door. He hesitated at it. He had no idea when he would see them again. If he even saw them again. He backtracked into his and Pear's room and stopped. Pear looked so peaceful when she slept, more relaxed than he had ever seen her awake. She didn't worry or scratch at her old scars. She smiled faintly and dreamed. Rainkeeper grinned at her before leaving the room again. He went into Apple's room next. Apple was curled up in a ball, a light smirk on her face as she slept, as if she knew something you didn't. Rainkeeper felt his eyes water with tears and he took a shaky breath. This was for their own good, he reminded himself. This will keep them safe. But it didn't make it any easier to do.

He remembered how long it had taken him and Pear to have a dragonet. It had been years, and then their first dragonet had died. Apple was sacred to them just because she was alive. And now he was just going to leave her, and Pear? It was a hard choice to make, but he had chosen nonetheless. Rainkeeper took a deep breath and left. He walked out of his home, and flew away from the rainforest.

It's better this way, he insisted. This way they will be safe.

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