Does He Look Like He's Here To Kill Me?

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"Alright Boysen, this is getting ridiculous." Crimson announced. "You have ANOTHER visitor."

"Really?" Boysen asked. "Who is it this time?"

"Some Sandwing. And technically he was asking if Haze was here. I said yes, and he wants to see her, so I figure that has something to do with you." Haze's head snapped up.

"A Sandwing is asking for me?" She repeated.

"Yep." Crimson offered.

"Did he have a scar on his snout?"


"Was he covered in scars?"


"Does he have any tattoos of dragons skulls?"


"Is he missing any talons?"


"Have extra talons?"


"Was he missing an eye or wearing an eyepatch?


"...Does he look like he's here to kill me?"

"...Yea, actually he kinda does." Haze glanced over at Boysen.

"Well, it's a fifty-fifty chance that's it's either my father or Fennec." she guessed. "I'll take those odds."


Turns out, it was her father.

Haze wasn't entirely sure which option she should've been more afraid of, but looking at her Dad's face, she kinda wanted to take her chances with Fennec.

"Haze," Meerkat sighed in relief. Haze fiddled with her talons.

"How'd you find me?" she asked.

"A sarcastic princess told me." He offered. 

"Dang it, Joy." Haze swore under her breath. 

"Haze, what were you thinking, running away like that? Do you know how worried I've been?"

"Seeing as I spent a month at Dusk's house without you noticing, I doubt you've been that worried."

"I knew you were at Dusk's, and I thought he had a safe home. Judging by the gang member that wanted to kill you, I assumed wrong."

"Dusk's house is very safe. It's me that's the problem."

"So you did kill the leader of the gang that murdered your grandfather."

"No, this is actually the one time I've been innocent."

"So instead of seeking help or telling me ANYTHING, you ran here."

"Well duh. I knew I'd be protected with Boysen, and you were too busy with your girlfriend to care."

"Sunny is NOT my girlfriend. She's just a very close friend."

"Last time I checked, you don't kiss your friends."


"How do you think mother would feel about you and Sunny?" Haze shot out. Meerkat stared at her.

"Don't you dare bring your mother into this." He warned.

"Why shouldn't I? You're still married to her, aren't you? Or does that not matter since she was held captive by a gang?"

"Haze, I am not going to have this discussion with you."

"Then what discussion ARE we going to have, Dad? The one about how you're technically cheating on Mother?" 

Your Mother is gone!" Meerkat snapped. "She is gone, and she isn't coming back, even if she wanted to! At some point in my life, I need to move on and accept that, whether you like it or not. Sunny is a wonderful dragon, and so what if she is my girlfriend? It's about time I dated someone, and you have NO RIGHT to throw your mother in my face and try to guilt-trip me out of a relationship I deserve! And I don't know what has gotten into lately, but this- this running away and not talking to me- I'm not going to stand for it! So stop it!"

Haze fell silent, and she glared at her father.

"Maybe, if you'd been home more often," she began, her voice shaking slightly. "You would know that Mother isn't just gone. She died. They killed her. And they were going to kill me too. Frame me for a murder I didn't commit because it would tie up loose ends. So, yes, I came here to stay with Boysen, because he knows what it's like to deal with grief. And no, I didn't write you, because I wanted to break the news GENTLY, in person, not in some dumb letter, and I couldn't think of anything else to write to you about. So go ahead, out yourself out there. Keep dating Sunny, if you really want. But while you were gone, I found out my mom was dead, and you weren't there."

Without another word, Haze fled from the room, leaving a stunned Meerkat alone.

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