Loose Ends

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A/N: What if I told you there's only 3 parts left in this book?

As much as Dawn, Orange, and Shore wanted to go home, there was one last thing they had to do first.

It was the end of the year at JMA, and the whole gang was reunited for a while, only to be separated once again by summer break.

Most of them looked angry, hurt, and a bit skeptical as Dawn approached.

"What do YOU want?" Haze demanded, still a bit mad. Boysen shot her a quelling look.

"I'd like to explain." Dawn offered. "And say that I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry." She turns to Orange. "I'm sorry I stabbed you." Orange shrugged.

"Water under the bridge, Dawn." She declared. "We're cool."

"I'm sorry I stabbed Orange," Dawn apologized to Shore.

"Yeah, well...Don't do it again." Shore grumbled.

"So you two forgive her? Just like that?" Cypress questioned.

"Yeah, she made some mistakes," Orange offered. "But I understand WHY. Dawn did everything for the greater good, and she didn't mean to hurt us, right?" Dawn nodded.

"I knew you'd all hate me for it, but I didn't know any other way." She continued. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt."

The others exchanged glances.

"Let me just say this now." Haze declared, approaching Dawn. "If you EVER pull a stunt like that again without telling me- I'll kill you." Dawn grinned.

"Thanks Haze."

"Yeah yeah." Haze rolled her eyes, but then grabbed Dawn and hugged her. "I missed my apprentice."

"Dawn," Permafrost began. "I swear to the moons, IF YOU EVER ENDANGER MY SHIPS AGAIN, I WILL SLAUGHTER YOU!"

"Frost, chill." Stardust commented.

Slowly, after Dawn fully explained, the rest of the group came around and started to forgive her. Dawn was grateful. It still hurt that Dusk looked at her differently, as if he didn't know what to think of her, but she knew it would take more time for him to understand why she'd done everything.

But after the forgiveness had been set aside, the group fell back into their old routine.

Mostly, that is.


"Technically I d-" Dawn stopped herself. "...Yeah, sure. We did." Haze scowled.

"You guys have all the fun." She complained.

"Don't worry, Haze," Boysen offered. "We can be little arsonists over the summer."

"Okay fine." She agreed.

"Wait a second.." Anaconda realized. "Who's coming back here next year? Not all of us have to, after all."

"I'm not." Shore admitted. "This place has given be enough adventure for a lifetime, and I'm sure the teachers would gladly get rid of me."

"I'm not coming back either." Orange agreed.

"Good. Then I'm going to the rainforest with you two and hovering over you as you do fluffy things together." Permafrost declared.

"I'm not gonna be here." Ember proclaimed. Apple gasped.

"You're going to leave me here all alone!" Apple declared.

"For ONE year. Then I'm all yours." Ember insisted.

"One year is a long time," Apple replied. "You better come up with some way to make it up to me." Ember grinned.

"Oh I will," he proclaimed.

"I think I'll just disappear." Anaconda explained. "I'll tell my family I'm at school, then never show up here."

"Where will you go?" Cypress asked.

"I dunno. Would your mother notice if I hid at your house?"


"Then I'll be there."

"Haze!" A voice called one towards their group. Haze turned.

"My dad's here." She sighed. "Gotta go."

"Awww," Rin complained.

"Write us!" Dusk insisted.

"No, run away and come live with me again!" Boysen begged.

"MARRY YOUR BOYSENBERRY!" Permafrost screeched after her.

Haze laughed, and darted over to her father, who smiled, but looked slightly nervous.

"I have big news for you," Meerkat declared.

"Okaaay," Haze said, eyeing him skeptically. Meerkat took a deep breath.

"I asked Sunny to marry me." He announced. Haze froze. "...And she said yes."

".....No." Haze declared. Meerkat sighed.

"Haze, what do you need to accept this relationship? I'll do anything." Haze thought for a moment.

"If you get to marry Sunny, then I get to marry Boysen."

"Not happening. Pick something else."

"That's the only thing, Dad." Meerkat scowled.

"....Deal." he agreed.

"And all my friends can come to the wedding, right?"

"Of course."

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