Chapter 9. Getting Info

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"The villain kids." Rin kept scrolling down. "Two of them have been poisoned." She looked over at me. "You heard of Venom High, school for kids with supernatural powers, otherwise known as Villains?"

What? I stared at her in confusion. Right! I'm suppose to be the new girl in town. I don't know anything. "Uhh, yeah, someone told me when I came here."

"Oh ok," Rin shrugged, then looked back down."I hope they've gotten better."

Holy bat crap! How did that get on the news?

"Here's a picture." Rin lifts her phone screen up for everyone to see. There was a picture of Crystal. It looked like a yearbook picture. Her hair seems to shine through the picture. Under it written in black words:

Crystal Light

16 years old

Power: Ice Manipulation

"She's hot." Wyatt said with a smug smile.

Rin slapped him square on his cheek. Not very hard though, thank the gods.

"OW!" Wyatt whined and rubbed his cheek, a red spot was forming. He whimpered with sad puppy eyes, but I can see the smile in them.

"We're talking about someone getting poisoned and how she looks is all you care about!" Rin screamed.

"Do I smell jealousy?" Wyatt winks.

"Ew no! Get your face away from me." Rin shoves him away. Wyatt just laughed, and slide right back next to her.

"Ice manipulation." He looked over her shoulder at the phone. "Must be a cool power to have."

"Yeah it is." I mumbled, my mind somewhere else.

"What was that?" Rin looks up.

"Nothing." I blurted, then quickly looked down, shifting my foot around on the marble floor

Rin continued looking at the news article. "Ahhh, it says she's gotten better already."

"That's nice." Maddie said.

Rin turns off her phone and puts it to the side.

"You know, sometimes I wish I could go to Venom High." Wyatt leaned his head on the table.

"Why?" Matt said while staring at Wyatt.

Wyatt raised his head and grinned at him. "Here in Starlight, they always expect us to be perfect." Wyatt runs a hand through his golden hair. "They expect us to get good grade, behave, not swear." He laughed on that last part. "I wish I had those supernatural powers. And, you wild and forget about getting in trouble."


I thought the normals hated us. But Wyatt actually wants to be one of us.

"I know right!" Rin exclaimed, clapping her hands. "I always wished I was born on their side of town. And their school sound soooo fun!"

I scoffed quietly. Our school? Fun? If you count trying to out-swim sharks for punishment FUN.

"Really? You never told us you wanted to be a villain." Matt tilts his head and looks at her thoughtfully.

Good, we were on this topic. Now is the chance get some information.

"By the way, what do you think caused the food poisoning?" I asked, sounding as convincing as possible. "I heard their lunch comes from this side of the town."

"I have no idea." Rin shakes her head. I looked closely at her face for any sign of lying, but saw nothing but cluelessness.

"The girl was probably allergic to that certain food, and she didn't know it." Matt said.

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