Chapter 29. It has been one crazy year

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I stare in horror at them. My cheeks were getting hot and my palms were sweating. I was having an argument with myself, whether or not to speak up.

Rin looks at me with an expression I can't recognize. Disappointment? Sadness? I couldn't tell, but I know it wasn't a joyful face. Maddie, Wyatt, and Matt had the same unsettling expression.

Before I could reply, Sasha steps forward and crosses her arms in front of her chest. "That's not her name, it's Luna." She said in an unfriendly tone, towering over the small girl in her five-inch stilettos.

Rin glares back intensely, but she still takes a step back. "Fine, Luna." She corrects herself, then turns her attention back to me, her expression softens, but it was still hard. "Care to explain why you disappeared for a month, appeared on TV as a vi--" She shuts her eyes for a second, then continues. "-- a supernatural, and revealed that you just came to Starlight to spy on us! Then to come back with black hair!" She exclaims and jabs her index finger at my head.

I opened my mouth, but no words came out, just air.

Rin's eyes widen as she bursts out. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"I..." I turned and looked at Crystal and Sasha, who stood on either side of me, holding both of my hands. They both squeezed it hard and gives me an encouraging look.

Suddenly, my embarrassment melted away. Confidence hit me like a ray of lightning. I can't run away from this, I've got to face it. The entire town has heard about my story, it spreaded faster than a wildfire, there's no use in trying to hide from it.

I gave my own shoulders a squeeze and closed my eyes shut for a long second, mentally preparing myself.

I looked straight into Rin's eyes. "My real name is Luna, my natural hair is black and I only dyed it blonde so I could spy on Starlight. So are my eyes," I move my gaze from Rin to Matt, who stares back. "they're green and I wore contacts." I said as if introducing myself all over again.

Rin's mouth trembled slightly. ""

I hold up a hand and stopped her. "My name is Luna and I'm a villain." Then I shook my head. "Or a supernatural, you know, whatever you want to call us." I corrected myself. "But I didn't become your friend because I wanted to, and I'm sorry." I was. I am so, so, SO sorry that I suspected the wrong people. But this is my first dance, and I wasn't going to let some little conflict ruin it.

I give Rin a serious but genuine smile. "Have fun." I said simply. Then grabbing my friends' hands, I walked right past them, and into the huge gym.

The gym was decorated with tons of paper snowflakes, and blue and white balloons. A disco ball lit up the dance floor. Off to the left were tables of refreshments. Party music was blasting from two stereos. The dance floor was packed, mostly by Starlight folks. The majority of Venom High students were standing by the sides, awkwardly looking around.

Guess us and normals and still have a difficult relationship.

Even so, Sasha had other plans. She throws herself into the crowd of dancing bodies and move along fiercely.

Damn, she's actually a pretty good dancer.

I watched as she gradually attracts all the males' attention like a magnet as she flips her hair and spins around. They blush just by looking at the sway of her hips.

I grabbed Crystal and pulled her in too. At first, it was kinda awkward. I kept attempting a twirl, but always to bump into someone else who returns the gesture with a glare. But after a while, I find myself matching the beat of the music. I shook my hips as the disco light shines directly on top of me.

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