Chapter 10. We're going to Starlight?

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I screamed for Sasha so loud my voice cracked. 

Thump! Flames falls onto the carpet. "Ow! What the hell's wrong with you crazy chick?" He groaned as head rolled over, looking up at me.

"CRAZY CHICK?" I kicked him. 

He stares up at me for a second, not moving. His red hair messy from the nasty fall. He looked at me from my legs up to my face. Then a smile creeps up on his face. "Right, do you have a name? Or can I call you mine?"

I kicked him again near his knee.

"Ow! No need to get aggressive, pretty lady." He laughs while he rubs where I kicked him.

"Enough with your lame pick up lines!" I glared down at him. "I. am. Luna." I said word by word through gritted teeth.  

He stops laughing and his eyes got wide. He jumps up and grabs my shoulder. He looks closely at my face while I pull back from his weird gesture. He stepped back and puts his hands over his mouth. "Holy! You!" 

"Yes, Me." I said flatly, crossing my arms.

Sasha runs into the room. But she wasn't alone. 

With her were Crystal, Will, and Storm. An alarmed look on her face.

Before I could ask why the heck everyone was in my dorm. Flames pointed at me and said to Sasha. "Sash, what is this? And what is she wearing?" 

Sasha looks at me.

Then at him.

Then back at me.

Then she finally understood. She let out a long Ohhhhhhhhhh. "That, is the new Luna. She changed her look to blend in so she could become a spy at Starlight." She explained.

But confused looks still remained on everyones' face. I sighed. "I'm Luna. Mrs. Scarlet sent me on a mission to find out who's been causing the food poisoning at school. So in order to enroll there as a new student, I need a new identity and new look." I ended that with a dramatic bow. "Now for my question," I turned toward Sasha. "Why is everyone here?" I said rather pissed-off.

"We're here because we're sneaking into the normal's town." Storm said behind everyone. "That is, if you don't mind." She added shyly, twirling her grey hair nervously.

"Wait what?" I shoved Flames aside and stepped toward Sasha. "What is going on?" 

"Like Storm said, we're breaking into the normal's territory." She raises her hand up and down whooping.

Excuse me? Did she just say we were...

"Sasha why? And how?" I said, frantically looking between her and the others.

"Because we also want to be a part of your little Detective game. And we'll take the teleporting thingy magig." She bounced up and down clapping her hands like a three year old.

I can't believe what I was hearing. "Okay, first, this is not a game! Second, how did you know about the teleporter?" 

"Trey saw you outside the science lab, and he told Ivy, who told Killer, who told Hank, who I seduced into telling me." She continued jumping up and down.

Of course she did...

"Well, Not. Happening." I said sternly.

"Please." Sasha pouted. "We want to help solve this mystery. Whether or not the normals have something to do with the poisoning."

I was going to say "Hell to the no!" But I thought back to when I was in Mrs. Scarlet's office. How all the information I got were useless. It would be nice to go straight to the place where they produce the lunch to find out.

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