Chapter 2- Suicide bridge, Part 2

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"Turn. Around. Now" he harshly whispered in my ear. To save my life I listened to him. He grabbed my wrists aggressively and tied the rope around them. It hurt like hell as he tightened it around my bruised wrists. "Now I may not kill you if you listen to me." He threatens quietly making me sob. It all seem surreal, no way the guy I trusted with my life was going to hurt me. I was pulled a few steps down the path before he harshly ripped me around and pushed me up against the tree. "Mitch please think about what you're doing," I begged trying to meet his eyes. Grabbing the rest of the rope he tied it at the top of my neck and circled it around the tree then did the same just above my knees.

"Pretty much, I talked to your family and they wanted you out of their lives, they promised me thousands of dollars if I could get rid of you. I need the money so here I am, capisce?" He informed me. I saw the slightest glimpse of sorrow and sympathy in his eyes as they met my tearful ones. Although it only lasted a second as determination pooled onto his face.

My parents and I never had a good relationship. I had a job at the age of 14 so I could buy things my parents wanted. All they ever gave me was food and a roof over my head, which was more then some people I guess. They treated me like dirt, they always had. I don't remember a single time I've had a hug off them, or been told something positive about myself from them. I knew they didn't like me and saw me as a burden but apparently its worse than I thought. He pulled out the knife from his pocket and put it near my face. "Let's start," he whispered creepily.

He dragged the knife from the parting of my hair to the bottom of my ear. I hissed and breathed heavily in pain, especially when it went to the corner of my eye. Then suddenly he punched me hard in the stomach. I screamed loudly and hunched over as much as I could with the ropes holding me close to the tree. He punched me multiple times and the indescribable pain got worse with every impact. This is it. I am going to die.

Colby Brock's POV-

"Ahhhh! Stop! Please!" I heard a female scream in the direction we were heading. "Did you guys hear that?" I asked. "Yes, definitely," Sam replied and Elton, Amanda and Corey nodded in response. "Sounds like someone is being attacked," Corey added. "Should we go look? She obviously needs help," Sam asked. "No, no, no. That's a terrible idea" Corey instantly said. "But aren't we going to feel guilty, she could die if we don't save her," Elton disagreed. I thought the options over carefully in my head, the poor girl needed help, but was putting my life and my friends life in danger worth it? Eltons point stuck out to me a lot though, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life if I knew I could of saved her.

"They could just be messing around?" Elton tried to compromise, but that idea was straight away ignored as another pained scream filled our ears.

"What we could see could change are lives forever," Amanda warned us. We heard her scream again and again. "Yeah it could change our lives, but if we don't go help right now this could be the end of hers. We can't just stand here and hear her scream then walk away! I'm going, you can come or not," I sternly stated while walking towards the sound. "Colby!" Sam and Coreys voice called out to me. I ignored them while brushing a hand through my hair to get it out of my vision.

"We need to stay together," Elton instructed behind me. Not long after I heard them all run to catch up. I found the main path and went down it. The guys chatted behind quietly about the different scenarios that could be why a girl was screaming like that. All options gave me chills and hurt to think about. I kept walking in front of anyone with my crappy torch that was flickering with low battery. We never brought batteries or spare torches. I heard the blood curdling scream again, it sent chills down my spine as I hesitated for a second. Was this the right thing to do? Brushing the thought aside I sped up even more into a slow jog. I got to the same point where we usually go right at the bottom of the bridge and saw sleeping bags everywhere and two backpacks.

I looked to the right, and the next thing I saw I knew would change everything. I saw a girl, her brown long hair falling over her face as she had her head dipped down. Blood and dirt covered her tanned skin. Next to her a man was punching her all over. His strong and tall frame towered over her, she wouldn't have any hope against him. He grabbed a relatively large rock from the ground next to him. I tried to muster up the words to stop him but he smashed it into her skull before I could.

She let out another horrific scream, but this time it was weaker. "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" I shouted.

Riley's POV-                               

He smashed me with something hard in the head and I could feel myself slipping out of consciousness. "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" I heard a guy scream from somewhere. Suddenly Mitch dropped what he was holding as it fell to my feet. I looked at the rock with my blurred vision as I heard Mitch run towards the bushes that were to the side of the path. I heard a few pairs of feet run towards me. "It's okay, we're not going to hurt you" a deep voice calmly said next to me.

Colby Brock- HeroHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin