Chapter 7- New House, Part 2

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The house was an elegant cream colour and two stories high. It had huge pillars either side of double doors leading into the house. "We'll give you a house tour now, then get some food if you want," Elton offered as he hopped out the car.

I painfully got out the car and limped to where everyone was. "You good?" Corey asked and I nodded, I'll get over it. We all followed Elton up the small stairs to the door and walked in. There was a big open hallway with a door to the back garden straight in front of me. 

To the left I saw a bathroom which had mirrors on all the walls making my mind hurt. "So this is the down stairs bathroom, and this is the lounge room," Elton said pointing at the bathroom and then moving into a lounge room with not much in it. We went left from there into another room with a bar in the corner and some mirrors around that.

A big table tennis table was in the middle next to a bookcase, above the bookcase was a bit of the staircase leading to the second floor. "This is mainly our filming room," Corey said as he leaned on the table tennis table. "Your what?" I asked confused. "Oh right, we're actually YouTubers, we each have our individual accounts and then Sam and Colby have one together, me and my girlfriend share one and then their is a TFIL account we all kinda go on, but it's Elton's and his friends," Corey bombarded me with information.

I slowly took it all in and nodded, that's cool I guess. Makes more sense with the 'mega prank war'. We walked back into the lobby room next to the back door, I looked outside to see a pool and hot tub. There was a big diving platform above the pool with a pretty cool shark painting on the front, and also a small one next to it that looked a lot safer.

We carried on forward to a reasonable sized kitchen with a island in the middle and a lot of cupboards. There was a huge fridge to the right that I knew I would be spending a lot of time with. On either side of the fridge was a open doorway to another lounge room with a big black leather couch and two love bean bags on each side. A big TV hung on the wall across from them and an Xbox was on the TV stand under it.

"So obviously here is the kitchen and lounge room, and through that door is the garage which is pretty much Elton's cave," Sam pointed to the door as we walked more into the centre of the kitchen.

"Don't be afraid to come into the kitchen and take what you want, what is ours is now yours," Sam said again as he went to the cupboard and took out a box of Oreos. "Even though we don't usually have much food," Corey said making my eyebrows raise.

"Alright, want to go upstairs?" Colby asked and I nodded in agreement. We went to the staircase (I may have taken some Oreos) and went up one flight then turned to go up the next. When we got to the top I saw a pair of double doors leading into a room. "So, this is me and Devyn's room," Corey said opening the door to a huge room, it had a big walk in wardrobe and a big double bed. A fancy but small ensuite was connected to the room and held many bags of expensive looking makeup.  

We went back out the room and down the small corridor to the right. "Here is the upstairs bathroom, my room and Sam's room" Colby said pointing out each of the doors. Colby opened his door and I was surprised to see the walls covered with sticky notes, "oh wow..." I giggled as I stepped in.

"Yeah, prank war. But I actually don't mind it," he cleared up shrugging. I nodded looking at his big bed and desk. "Okay, this is my room," Sam said leading me to the door across from Colby's. He opened the door and my mouth dropped open, his walls and ceiling was painted pink messily and a big painting was leant against the wall of each of them on a weird horse thing. It was breathtaking to say the least.

"Oh my.." I said and cracked up laughing. Sam pouted and rolled his eyes but started laughing as well. "Yeah... prank war," he said grumpily. We left his room and went into another room, "this is our roommate Aaron's room," Elton said and I saw the cutest little dog ever, "oh yeah, that's Buddy," Elton said.

I walked over to his little enclosure and gave him a pat, "you're adorable," I gushed to him as he jumped up at me. "And the last room is Elton's" Colby said as we went into a smallish room with a big dog bed in, then a large dog came running up to us from the stairs. "Circaaa!" Sam cried as the dog jumped up at him.

Circa came up to me and gave me a sniff as I stroked her, then I noticed some pink traces in her fur making me confused. "Why has she got pink-" I started when Elton interrupted me, "Prank war," he grumbled like the others. "Oh my gosh that's brutal! Why would you do that to a helpless dog" I laughed staring at them. Colby and Sam looked guiltily at me and I shook my head amused. "Alright, let's head downstairs," Corey instructed as we made our way out the room.

"Okay! Who is up for bacon and egg sandwiches?" Elton asked going outside to a BBQ. "Oh yeah!" everyone chanted, "yes please," I politely said making Elton smile.

"How about after food we go to the mall, get Riley some clothes including some bathers and then by the time we get back Devyn, Kat and Aaron will be here and we can have a pool party with the family," Corey loudly says using hand motions to make his point bigger. "Ayee, good idea Cor" Sam agrees while going to get food from the fridge.

"It's set then!" Corey clears up, "I don't have any money though..." I quietly said looking down embarrassed. How pathetic is that. "Errr you're not paying" Elton said like it was obvious while putting some bacon on the BBQ. "I can't expect you guys to pay for me," I declined shaking my head. "Too bad you don't have a choice," Colby said said putting his arm over my shoulders. I flinched, and I think he noticed but I glared at him jokingly like it never happened. He just gave me a cheeky smile in return.

SHOUT OUT TOO: annabucchs2662 for being so supportive!

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