Chapter 36- I Don't Deserve You

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When I got there I saw Corey standing the same way Sam was, with a note also placed on his hands. "Hey Coreyyyy," I said and he tried to hide a smile. I took the note,

Hey Ri,

Good job on working it out. Now, you'll find your next clue where the water ripples.

- C

Well there must be a pond somewhere. "Thanks Corey," I say while patting him on the head as he again fails not to smile. I giggle and walk around until I see a little sign, pointing down to a path with the picture of a lake. When I get there, I see Aaron standing also in the creepy position. "Hey Doh," I say while I go up to him, no reaction. I take the note from his hands and read it,

Hey Ri,

You're doing well. Now find where the name 'music woman' originated.

- C

I stare confused a second, then realise he must mean his car. "Thanks Doh," I smile before jogging up the path and back past the playground, and to the big car park. I search the cars until I see Colby's, where I then see Devyn sitting cross legged on the front of his car. She too, is holding a note out creepily. "Hi Dev," I smile but don't expect an answer. I grab the note and read it once again,

Hey Ri,

So far so good. Now we always say, if we cant see Elton he's either pranking us or climbing a ........? Find a wooden structure.

- C

I laugh at this one. 'Tree' was the missing word, and a wooden structure must be a treehouse. I head back into the park and look in the tree tops. I walk a bit further down the main path and see a ladder leading up to a pretty cool treehouse. I climb up and see Elton standing on one leg in a yoga pose, wobbling around trying to balance, "alright?" I laugh and take the note from his hands.

Hi Ri

Last one, now follow the path your heart desires.

PS. Please continue down the main path.

- C

I laugh and climb down the ladder, and continue to walk down the main path. After a couple of minutes walking, I see some red petals on the floor. My heart softens as I follow them up the grassy hill, and to the big willow tree. I finally see the man my heart longs for. He stood smiling at me nervously. He was wearing black jeans, a white shirt and his black leather jacket.

"Hey Ri," he says as I reach him. "You're so sweet," I comment. He smiles a bit and he takes my hands in his.

"I know I stuffed up, big time. I just hope you can find it in your heart, some way to forgive me. You make me a better person. Every time I see you I smile, your smile and laugh makes me melt, and when I could hold you in my arms, I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. You're the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen, and the funniest, kind hearted person I know. Please Ri, I'm begging you... forgive me?" he said and asked nervously.

My heartbeat sped up as happy tears threatened to fall. My legs felt like jelly as he said the sweetest things to me.

I nodded trying not to cry. "I forgive you," I whisper loud enough for him to hear. His smile grew and he pulled me close to him by my waist, "I love you so much Ri," he whispered and kissed me, "I love you too," I say mid kiss. When he pulled away, he stood in front of me, "I've got one more surprise," He cheekily smiled. "Colby..." I went to stop him, but he reached into his jean pocket.

"This is a promise ring, I'm giving you this as a promise to love you always, to always be there for you and to promise that I'll never, ever, betray your trust again," He said while holding out a silver ring. It had an infinity sign engraved into the silver band, and the words...
' Love you forever Ri ~ C ' was written in small, cursive writing. That was it, tears fell from my eyes as Colby slipped it on my finger and wrapped me in a hug. "I don't deserve you," I cry onto his shoulder, "No way, I'm the luckiest guy alive," He whispered back while kissing me again.

"I promise to love you even more than humanly possible, and always be here for you, no matter what, I love you Colby," I whisper against his chest. He squeezed me tightly and kissed my forehead. We stayed like this for a while until he pulled away.

"Okay, I have one more surprise," he said while stepping back and going around the tree. "Colby, you've done enough," I say but he emerges with a red checkered blanket and a picnic basket. "Hungry?" he asked while laying out the blanket. I smiled and shook my head at his cuteness. "Yes thank you," I answer while sitting next to him on the blanket, and admiring the ring more, with Colby's arms around me.

"The roommates were very creepy by the way," I laugh and Colby chuckles.

"Good, did they all ignore you?"

"Yeah except Corey who couldn't keep a straight face,"

"Thought he'd break to be honest,"

"Your clues were cute, the whole thing was cute," I say lovingly. "I thought you'd get them pretty quickly, do you know what else is cute?" Colby replies. Before I can answer he takes out strawberries, marshmallows and chocolate dip.

"Oh my gosh, you're the best!" I exclaim kissing his cheek which makes him laugh. We both grab a strawberry and dip it in the chocolate. "Hmm," I sigh contently. "Now, what do you want to drink? I have sodas and water, I was going to bring champagne, but after last night... I thought I'd better leave it," Colby smirks. "Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed," I cry as I hide my blushing face in the crook of his neck. I felt his chest vibrating in laughter as he held me close, "I was so mad when I saw him getting you drunk and making moves on you," Colby admitted. "I decided I wanted to let loose and have fun, but that didn't work out to well for me. I can't thank you enough for saving me, again. If you hadn't stepped in, who knows where I'd be right now," I say honestly and Colby smiles down at me, as I rested against his chest. "Of course Ri, and I hope i broke his nose," Colby added. I laughed, "I wouldn't be surprised, I feel even more safe now I know you can throw a punch." We continued eating and talking, just enjoying each other's company. The sun went down and we lay on the blanket and watched the stars, Colby's arms were around me the whole time.

It was 11pm when Colby suggested we should go home. The lantern that lit the ground around us, was slowly intriguing more and more bugs our way. I helped Colby pack everything away into the basket and we walked hand in hand, back to his car. "So... how would you feel about staying over night at a parkour gym place?" Colby randomly asked. I smiled at him...

"Sounds like fun."

A/N- This is NOT the end of the book! Although it seems like a happy ending, I'll hopefully update again tomorrow. Thanks for all your support Xx

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