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Maliha had a sense of Deja vu as the crown of flowers slapped down onto her pallet. Her mind was disoriented. She felt as if she had been in this moment with Ujarak before but that couldn't be true and yet the feeling did not go away, even as he prowled towards her with a dark look that matched his much darker skin.

"I said what is this?"

Ujarak's words lashed against her skin in a harsh swipe.

"You're back." She gasped.

Her mind struggled to grasp that Ujarak was back and standing inside her tent like he belonged there. As if he owned the place.

"What are you doing here?"

The air between them pulsed angrily as his fists clenched around nothing.

"If you came to see Enzo, he isn't here." She muttered wearily.

He was vexed, his jaw ticking with suppressed anger that was pulsing from his body in choking waves.

"I know where Enzo is, I have seen him already."

Maliha didn't know what else to say. She was still trying to recover from the shock of finding Ujarak here, in her tent, weeks earlier than anyone had anticipated.

All of a sudden, the tribe's behaviour throughout the day began to make sense to her. The happy song that had been swirling in the air had been at the knowledge that their warriors would be returning. How had she missed the signs?

"Maliha," he huffed in exasperation when she still didn't respond to his questions.

"What are you doing with this?"

"It's a fahaj," she shrugged. "I made it."

"I know what this is and I know what this is for." He spat, looking at the flower crown with such disgust and disdain.

"I want to know what are you doing with it?"

Maliha's mouth hung open and then snapped shut. The answer as to why she had it was so easy, she had the fahaj because she had been preparing for the moment that Kamir would make his move with Xiuri and yet, Ujarak was looking at her as if there was more to the flower band than what it was. It was a personal gift from Maliha to Ciur and Saralic had ground the ingredients ma Lou's had gathered to make the Mayam oil that Xiuri and Kamir would need to bathe their skin in but this was from her.

"Is this for him?" Ujarak growled, sneering down at the incomplete crown of flowers with distaste.

"For who, Ujarak?"

Maliha felt that she was missing something that would have been obvious to her on any other day but her mind was still reeling from the events of the day. So much had happened and it wasn't even sundown. She was fatigued, mentally exhausted and confused. Her mind could not comprehend anything but bluntly stated words.

"I saw you Maliha!"

His tone was accusatory as he spoke in riddles that Maliha's tired mind could not comprehend. He moved from one topic to the next, yet there seemed to be only one answer he sought.

"I saw you with him and I refuse to do it," He gritted.

"If you think I will perform this ceremony then you are wrong!"

His voice thundered louder as just the thought enraged him. He was livid, absolutely raging mad but that would be his downfall because Maliha wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I am Razzi here." His fist pumped across his chest with such importance it turned Maliha's stomach.

"And no hand fasting will happen without my participation."

The Lost Tribe: Maliha the Wanderer (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now