Chapter Ten | Game On

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Waking to the hushed, yet aggressive voices around her Miranda slowly opened her eyes. The pain in her neck had returned, only she quickly realized it was because of the awkward angle she had fallen in against Braydon’s shoulder.  Still groggy from the sleeping pills, her mind was hazy and focusing on their words was only getting harder rather than easier. Stifling her yawn, it was her mother’s snappy words that broke through first and slowly sitting up, Miranda rubbed her neck to ease the tension.

If only everything was that simple.

“She will be coming home with us. I don’t know who you think you are if you think you can just order us around like we’re part of your staff!” Helen hissed and looking over the headrest of the seat in front of her, Miranda was surprised to see Jason on the receiving end of her mother’s tantrum.

Everyone was grim faced with fury filled eyes. This clearly wasn’t a new discussion and finding her father, he sat holding his head in his hands – trying to hold back his own words.

“It makes sense for her to stay with me. You’re being foolish thinking you can take care of both of them!” Jason didn’t back down, no longer keeping his voice lowered. He knew Miranda better than her parents, and being stuck at home with them wasn’t what she would want. He had enough room in his apartment for Braydon to come along too as he knew that part wouldn’t be up for discussion.

“Why can’t I just go home?” Miranda mumbled, loud enough for them to hear as she carefully stepped around Braydon, who was still asleep. She didn’t want them to fight over her like some new toy. She had a life; her own place and the sooner things went back to some kind of normal – the better.

“Honey, I just think you need to take it easy and if you come home, you can rest and fully recover!” Helen looked at her daughter, pleading with her to understand. She was happy about the steps Jason was taking to provide for Miranda, but she was still her mother. There was no way she was going to let him come in and take even more control over everything.

“I don’t need to fully recover Mum, I’m fine. Really!” Moving over to where her mother sat, Miranda put her arms around her shoulders and gave her a hug. She still felt sleepy and having her mothers touch was a nice comfort. “I’m going home, my home. Jason, you’ve gone above and beyond, but I just want things to go back to normal. I appreciate everything you’ve all done, and when the plane lands – I’ll be taking Braydon to my apartment.”

When the plane lands.

Her own words hit her then, she had been so distracted she forgot about where they all were. The drugs vanished in her system, yet it didn’t help clear her mind. Miranda’s knees went weak and it was Donald who noticed the first sign of her panic attack. He quickly got up and took her into a hug of his own. “We understand sweet heart, we’re just worried is all!”

He carefully guided her past the furious Jason and just as Braydon stirred, he sat his daughter back down in her seat. By now Miranda held her breath, closing her eyes and gripped her father’s hand so tightly it had the red imprint of her own embedded in it.

It took Braydon seconds to work out what was happening, gently touching her forearm, he silently begged her to open her eyes and look at him. A strangled gasp left her lips, yet her gaze soon found his. A weird calm settled over her then, her grip loosening so Donald was able to pull his hand away. It was almost like the comfort she had from hugging her mum had happened around her brain, removing the fear and pain from inside. A part of her was wary, unsure how once again Braydon had broken into her panic and destroyed it.

Braydon took her hand in his once more, “Not letting go.”

“Deep breaths sweet heart, you’re okay.” Her Dad instructed and looking at him she nodded. Her heart slowly began to return to a normal pace as air once again made it’s way into her lungs. “We’re getting ready to land, so buckle up guys.”

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