Chapter Fourteen | Back to Work

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Getting out of the taxi, Miranda regretted not walking to work like she used to do, as now she was there that little bit earlier. Taking a deep breath, she suddenly hated her working attire and glancing down at the black and white ensemble, wondered how she got to be so, boring.  Thinking back to the days of her pink hair, she wondered what would happen if she did something like that again.

Walking towards the rotating doors, a steady stream of similarly clothed people filed in like robots, most already on their phones and barking out orders to lesser employees. After being away, it all felt alien to her and instead of strutting through the lobby like she owned the place she fell to the middle of the group and stayed in it as part of the main stream to the elevator.

Hitting the twelfth floor, she used the ride up to get herself in check.  Now wasn’t the time to be acting like the new girl. She knew the offices, her job and place amongst it all and as her heels make contact with the carpeted floor of the reception Melissa didn’t hide her surprise at seeing her. From where she sat behind the giant computer screen she instantly closed down her Facebook and personal email account before Miranda might see what she had open.

“Miss Wright! You’re back, I mean early, you’re here early!” She fumbled, regretting the fact she hadn’t put on the final touches of her lipstick yet or changed her shoes from the joggers she wore on the train to the more professional peep toes she kept hidden under desk.

“Shoes Melissa.” Miranda barely took a breath as she gave the girl a once over and carried on walking down the corridor to her office.

Everything was how she left it, minus a few files and her tray full of filing was had been emptied, most likely thanks to Rory. Turning on her computer, Miranda unclipped her headset and attached the earpiece. If walking into the building had felt foreign, now she was starting to feel back in control.

Instantly she started on the job of going through her emails, surprised at just how much Rory had managed to get done since his own return. Deleting a few unimportant things, Miranda started to focus on checking all the meeting requests had been scheduled and bringing up Jason’s calendar noted nothing had been put in for his time away last week.

“Thanks Mel!” Rory’s voice distracted Miranda and sitting back in her chair, saw him running in trying to adjust his tie while carrying the tray with two take away coffee cups in. “Morning Boss! You’re in early!”

“Not really, it’s already eight o’clock.” Miranda answered, clearly unimpressed. She had expected Rory to be in at seven thirty since her own start time varied from then until eight thirty – some times even earlier depending on Jason’s schedule.

“Coffee?” He quickly answered; smiling sheepishly he set down one of the oversized cups in front of her and left the room to his own desk outside of hers.

With a heavy sigh he went about starting his own day, disappointed to find Miranda back to her usual self.

“Rory, why wasn’t anything put in about Mr. Carpe’s meetings last week?” Miranda appeared in the doorway, sipping her coffee and let herself smile at how good it was.

“He never gave me any particulars, just to reschedule Mr. Takio to this week and to tell Gray he was to look after things.” Rory explained, looking over at the post it note beside his phone, which specified those things.

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