Chapter 9: Home

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The moment was ruined, as James pushed back breaking the grasp Clare's arms had around his neck. Her face turned from pure euphoria to disappointment and confusion as James tried to recollect himself.

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"But it was the kiss right?"

"What? No. It was your ice cream cone pressing against my neck."

James started to laugh a little trying to lighten the mood, but truthfully it was entertaining, and Clare joined in with him to laugh about the event.

"Oh seriously." While mid-laugh, Clare looked down at the ice cream cone and noticed the top had been crushed. "Well, I guess we have our funny first date story now."

"Yea, hopefully next time it won't be so cold."


Remaining oblivious to her emotions, Clare began to blush while James walked around to the other side of the car and climbed in. Clare followed his lead and got into the passenger side of the vehicle before they inevitably pulled away from the ice cream shop.

Again inside the car, it was silent as the two of them still contemplated the kiss that had just occurred. Both of them had mixed feelings about it. The emotions that were now starting to form between them were intense, yet James was still unable to let go of his love for Hannah. Eventually, the car stopped at a red light and Clare turned to face James, her eyes wide as the words next time played in the back of her head.

"So next time eh?"


"You said next time we kissed?"

"Did I?"

"Yes you did, does that mean it was good."

James stayed silent for a moment while flashbacks of Hannah continued to barrage him until he managed to turn and look over at Clare while forcing the images of his crush to subside. His head was only filled with the passion he felt for Clare now, and he couldn't stop the growing smile on his face.

"Honestly, I can now say I have a reference kiss."

"So does that mean it was a good kiss?"

"I mean I'd do it again."

"Good, because so would I."

She reached over to hold his hand but the light turned green, and James put his hand back on the wheel. He was oblivious to her actions, as Clare retracted her hand and looked back out the passenger window.

"So now what?"

"Just take me home I guess its been kind of a long day and I should start packing for the trip."

"Are you sure? We still have time."

"No, I'm sure, thanks though. Besides my parents haven't seen you since we were kids."

"I'm sure they would, I guess I can make a new first impression on them today."

"Well, you made quite the first impression on me today."

"Anything for a friend who's also my new fake girlfriend."

The word fake cut deeply into Clare dealing another devastating blow to her heart, while yet another set of tears welled up in her eyes only to be wiped away immediately before James could see them. The two fell back into their mutual silence until James turned on to a street and headed to the house on the edge of the circle.

"Where should I park?"

"Out front is fine. I figured you wouldn't be staying long."

"I mean I could if you wanted me to?"

"That's sweet but I don't think I'm ready to tell my parents I have a fake boyfriend."

"Fair enough."

James brought the car to a stop in front of the ordinary looking suburban house. Daniel, Clare's father, pushed a lawn mower across the perfect green grass, while her mother Julie was elbows deep in the garden planting the flowers for the upcoming summer. In unison, they both turned to face the Challenger as its roar turned to a purr then faded completely, and the passenger door opened as Clare stepped out.

"Clare? What are you doing home? Who drove you?"

On the other side of the car, James popped out and leaned on the top of the vehicle, as both Daniel and Julie's eyes lit up.

"Well, I'll be, if it isn't James."

"Hello, sir."

"Well come here boy, no need to be distant."

Now with no way out of the situation, James walked to the other side of the car to greet Daniel who met him beside the passenger side door with an extended hand. He acknowledged the older man's gesture and shook his hand while they both looked at the car. Beside them though, Clare walked past the two boys and sat on the edge of the flower garden with her mother now right beside her.

"So James, I didn't take you for a muscle car kinda guy."

"What can I say, I like the style of American muscle."

"Y'know it's hard to believe that this is yours."

Daniel gave James' shoulder a nudge knowing that it belonged to his father. The guys joked around for a bit while having what could almost be described as a bonding moment, as Clare's mother struck up a conversation with her daughter.

"So he's really matured eh?"

"Yea, he's sweet."

"Did you ask him?"

"Mom, no this was like our first hangout outside of school that isn't a birthday. Give it some time."

"Well he is certainly a badass, a good badass I mean."

"Meh, he's a good guy."

"Yea and he drives. Come with me, hun we'll get our boys something to drink."

Behind James and Daniel, the two girls went into the house, and the metal door fought the springs before finally sealing itself shut. Daniel looked again at the beast of a car and then back to James.

"James, can I talk to you for a minute now that we're alone."

"Of course."

Daniel led James to the front deck of the house, and took a seat on the wooden steps before waiting for James to sit down beside him. It was awkward between the two men, especially since it wasn't very often that James was on the same level as an adult who had twenty years on him.

"James I just have to say I was relieved to see you get out of that car and not someone else."

"Well, I'm glad."

"I don't think you understand. You see I worry about Clare, she's my pride and joy and I always want the best for her. Then after seeing what Hannah ended up with it's just a big relief to see you with her.

The older man happily sighed, when it became clear to James that Daniel also had a slight dislike for Nathan. The boy was a professional man-child, and all the parents that were associated with him clearly knew it.

"I take it you're also not a fan of Nathan."

"Not really, he doesn't have any balls. He acts tough, but there's not much else there."

"Well, thanks I guess."

"No thank you, James. My daughter has a new energy when I saw her step out of that car."

"What do you mean?"

"That's not my place to say, I'll let her tell you when she's ready."

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