Chapter 22: Morning After

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The flight was almost over as the pilot came back over the intercom.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seats back, and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened, and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins. Thank you.

The intercom powered off as Clare returned to the land of the living, while slowly getting up off of James' chest and rubbing her eyes before she looked up at him.


"Morning beautiful."

"Beautiful? That's new."

"Not new, just true."

"You're a sweetheart."

James rubbed the girls back as they looked into each other's eyes and savored their final few moments of paradise.

"Thanks, but we're landing soon, so this little fantasy is about to be over."

"That's to bad, I like cuddling with you."

"Me too, but we should probably head back down to the seats."

"Not yet."

Before James could respond, Clare climbed on top of James restraining his arms and pinning him to the bed. James, however, didn't try to stop her instead only giving her a playful smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because we've already done this before, I win."

"You don't win, till I say so."


Putting all of her weight into holding him down again, she pushed his arms above his head which forced her into a position where she was practically laying on top of James. They were face to face now, but that didn't stop Clare from playfully pushing him back down with no avail.

He watched her struggle, giving away every once and a while until finally manning up and kissing her. As soon as their lips touched, Clare's arms went straight to his neck and wrapped casually around him while James wrapped his arms around her lower waist. It was hard for him to tell but he still wasn't sure if he had feelings for his best friend or not, but it didn't stop the two of them from trying to suck on each other's faces.

For both of them, it was the first time either of them had ever made out with someone, but the moment didn't last long as a knock came from the other side of the door. Still, with their tongues in each other's mouths, their eyes darted to the door and then back at each other. They were both shocked, realizing what they were doing as they both retracted their limbs and Clare rolled off of James toward the windows wrapping herself up in the blanket.

Neither of them hesitated, as James opened the door, startling Kelsey in the process on the other side. Both Clare and James greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning you two. I hope you slept well, but I'm not sure if you heard but we're preparing our descent, so you'll have to return downstairs to your seats."

"Yea we're just getting ready to leave."

"Sounds good, see you down there."

Kelsey slid the door closed again while James turned to face Clare, who was shuffling forward on her knees to the edge of the bed and grabbed James by the collar and pulled his body over to kiss him again.

"Sorry, I just wanted to finish what we started."

"Fine by me. You win."

"Don't I always."

Clare sat back down on her legs and looked up at James, who now seemed lost in thought. She grabbed her bag as well as James' and put them on the edge of the bed, while James looked around the room one last time making sure he had everything, while Clare took both of his hands and gripped them tightly.

"James, can I ask you something?"

"Is this another question about businessmen and escorts?"

"No it's-"

Flight attendants, prepare for landing, please.

"Looks like we should get going."

"Oh, yea..."

James broke the grasp that Clare had on his hands, before opening the door and heading out into the hallway. As he did this though, Clare's hands fell to her side in defeat as she watched him leave the room.

"It's just...I love you."

The whispered words floated off into the nothingness until she pulled herself off the bed taking one last look of where her wish finally came true before closing the door behind her. In the lounge area, James was mid-conversation with Chris who was again polishing up a few glasses until he turned to face Clare who had emerged from the private section and joined James.

"Alright man, take it easy."

"Good luck you two."

The boys shook each other's hands one last time as Clare walked up beside him and coiled her arm around James'. She waved goodbye as they both headed back down the stairs and into the first class area. Walking down the aisle until getting to there seats. Clare reclaimed her seat beside Hannah, who still had the middle wall closed and James sat next to a preoccupied Nathan.

"Where the hell have you two been?"

"Up in the lounge why?"

"Sure you were. If that's the case then you two are the best hide and seek players."

"Yea whatever Nathan."

Nathan turned his attention away from the screen and removed the earbuds from his ears and actually turned to face James, who wasn't paying much attention to him until he felt his breath hit his neck.

"I talked to her man."


"I think we're good, she said she needed some time to think though so I'm hoping for the best."

"Well let's hope for the best then."

The lie traveled through James' gritted teeth, as he looked past Clare at the wall that Hannah was behind. Clare took notice and smiled back in James' direction thinking he was looking at her.

"And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Did you make any ground with Clare?"

"Dude, she's like my best friend. That's all."

"Fine man, whatever. But then tell me what the rings all about."


"On your finger?"

Looking down at his finger, the tungsten ring was still placed there waiting to greet him, while Clare took notice of the conversation beside her and immediately took off the ring that was on her finger. James took his off as well and rolled it in his palm, hoping that Clare had done the same.

"Oh yea, Clare just wanted to see what I'd look like with a ring on my finger."

"Dude she's trying to lock you down."

"Nah, we were just having fun."

To prove it to Nathan, James leaned over and passed the ring to Clare, who reluctantly took it out of his hand and placed it in her bag. No longer caring, Nathan went back to looking out his window while James kept his eyes forward, unaware that beside him, Clare was wiping away her tears as she looked at the rings in her hands.

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