Chapter 16: Fiancé

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Clare reached into her pocket and pulled out a tungsten ring and placed it on the table in front of James. The boy took a moment before he picked it up and moved it in between his fingers until he was finally ready to commit and slid it on his ring finger. Clare smiled as she watched James put it on before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek, leaving the remnants of a light pink lipstick stain.

"So what's our first couple activity?"

"I'm glad you asked," Clare pulled out her phone and opened up the photo app and showed James a diagram of the plane, but kept her finger focused on the private rooms that were on the second floor. "Apparently this plane model has private rooms built in, and I think we should try our hand at getting one."

"And how do you expect us to that?"

"Okay listen our story is we just got engaged because everyone knows newly engaged people get special favors, and maybe we can somehow convince the crew to give us a room."

"Alright, but first we should practice on the bartender then to see if he even believes it."

The girl slid out of the booth, while James slid out right behind her and took the lead as they approached the bartender, Clare staying right on James' heels.

"Umm excuse me sir?"

"Hey man, what's up?"

The bartender's expression had changed entirely from what it was earlier, and he seemed to be much happier and relaxed now that Nathan was no longer present.

"Well, my fiancé and I were just curious about the private rooms that people can book."

As if they shared a brain, the bartender began to nod as he connected the dots to what was going on. Giving the young fake couple a smile, he looked around the empty room making sure no one else was in earshot.

"Look I get it, Y'know Kelsey?"

"The chief flight attendant?"

"Yep that's her, man we just got engaged like a month ago and everyone likes us on this plane, so let me call her up and well see what we can do for you because you seem pretty chill."

"Thanks but how did-"

"It's kinda obvious. First class, you got a douchebag for a friend and you two just want some away time. So let me try and help you out."

The bartender paged Kelsey, and she came up the stairs only mere moments later.

"Hey, babe, what's up? Who's this?"

"Hey hun, these are." A look of embarrassment washed over him."Y'know what I didn't ask, what are you're names?"

"Oh I'm James, and this is my fiancé Clare."


"Well as you should know I'm Kelsey and this is my fiancé Chris."

The two boys shake each other's hand while the girls do the same next to them. Now that they were acquainted they returned to the topic at hand.

"Anyways like I was saying, hun. These two just got engaged and asked me about the private rooms."

"Is this true?"

"Yes, ma'am. We understand if there's no way too though. We just thought we'd ask."

James began to twitch a little bit, while, keeping a close eye on him, Clare intertwined her fingers with his, placing her soft hand on his rough one. The gesture calmed James' nerves and replaced them with newfound confidence.

"I see."

"Well, then it's a go by me just let me go check our passenger log and see if there are any open rooms."

"Really? Thank you," The two said in unison as Kelsey smiled and walked away from the group, and the other three turned to look at each other. "You have yourself a lovely girl, Chris."

"Yea I lucked out that's for sure, so can I get you two anything to drink?"

"No, we're okay for the moment, thanks though."

Chris turned to polish off some glasses, while the others waited at the bar for Kelsey's return. Making some light chit-chat between one another, Kelsey eventually returned back up the stairs with a bright smile on her face. Seemingly excited she leaned against the bar and shook her head with a wide but stupid smile.

"Well I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but I ran into the captain when I went to check the availability of the suites, and clearly that was enough to catch his interest. He walked up to me with a smile and asked if I was checking out who the rich passengers were. To which I responded, actually sir there's a newly engaged couple upstairs, and since we're a light flight today I thought we could let'em stay in one of the suites. Then as I said it, his eyes lit up and he went to talk to the co-pilot and then returned to me."

Her story ended right there, coming to an abrupt end, she left the others waiting for more as James and Clare still sat on the edge of their seats to see if they were actually going to get the suite. However, Kelsey never continued instead she just turned to the staircase as a man in a uniform walked up to them. Kelsey and Chris both stood up straight in his presence, clearly respecting the man's authority and rank.

"G'day Captain Morrow."

Chris' voice called out as the Captain proudly stood amongst the group. Looking at both Clare and James which caused Clare's hand to tighten around James'. The socially intimidating man finally cracked a smile, and his face lit up like a kid opening presents during the holidays. A hand jetted out from the man's waist and was directed at James. All eyes were now on him as he hesitantly reached out to shake and oblige the man's request.

As their flesh collided, James could feel the calm yet intimidating pressure surging through the pilot's hand. Doing his best to match him, James put a little more force into his grip as they began to shake. Captain Marrow simply nodded approvingly before looking at Clare.

"He's got a good grip."

Instantly the ice was shattered between the group as Clare started to laugh to herself leaning in closer to James. The two men released their hands while giving each other a brief staredown before Morrow turned to Kelsey.

"Alright I approve, not that it's my call or anything."

"Thank you, sir."

With one last smile, the captain headed back to the stairs as Kelsey fetched out a key from her pocket, and gave Chris a kiss on the cheek. Then walked past James and Clare and slid open the door to the private sector of the plane.

"Alright let's go lovebirds."

Unable to fight it both Clare and James blushed as they walked past Kelsey and into the corridor with all the private suites on either side of the aisle.

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