Chapter Twenty-Two

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Zaid's POV

Zara is hugging me tight, as if her life depends on it. She's crying her eyes out. It breaks my heart to see her in this state. She doesn't tell me what's wrong, she just continues to cry. I hope she's not in this state because of me. Did I say something wrong? Did I do something?

I hug her back, holding her close but gently. As if she will break. I've fallen so hard for her, and there is nothing I can do to ignore these feelings. I don't want to ignore these feelings. They're stronger than anything I've ever felt before. Zara is way too important for me. It honestly feels like she's the only person who matters right now. I can't see her like this.

'Shh, Zara. Don't cry. I can't see you in this state. What's wrong?' I whisper, trying to comfort her by rubbing her back. She relaxes instantly. I smile.

"Everything's wrong, Zaid. I've lost my mind," she sobs into my chest. Then she adds "It's a good thing I took my makeup off, otherwise your shirt would be dirty."

I chuckle. Even when she's crying so much, she talks about her makeup. A few seconds later, she lifts her head from my chest and moves back, but only a couple of inches. I suddenly feel cold, and empty.

I gently make her sit on the bed, and take a seat next to her. She wipes away the tears on her face, her eyes bloodshot red.

'Zara, tell me, please. What's hurting you so much? You can trust me,' I say gently.

She looks up at me, and her eyes fill with tears again. It hurts me just as much as it hurts her, seeing her like this. I've always known Zara to be a strong girl. She's one of the strongest people I know. She broke down completely today. Something must be very wrong.

She shakes her head, blinking back her tears. "Nothing, Zaid. I'm just being stupid."

I gently place a hand on her forearm. 'It's not nothing if it's hurting you so much. Tell me.'

"I don't know what to say, Zaid. I can't explain it fully to myself," she mutters, looking down into her lap.

'You can tell me anything, Zara. Trust me,' I say, reassuringly.

She gives me a small smile. "Zaid, I could trust you with my life." My heart constricts at her words. She trusts me this much? Hearing her say this makes me so happy.

'I can do anything for you, Zara. Just name it. Anything in the world,' I promise, looking into her eyes.

She blushes. "Are you this cute to every girl? Layla was a lucky girl." My face falls. Can't she see how special she is to me?

'No, just you. Why was Layla lucky?' I feel nothing for Layla now. Nothing at all. I have forgotten her completely, because of Zara.

"Because she had such an amazing, caring guy," Zara says, smiling.

I grin. 'Oh, really?'

She nods seriously.

'Layla was in the past. And I didn't...I didn't love her,' I admit.

Zara's eyes widen. "What? I thought you...I thought you did! She hurt you."

I give her a forced smile. Thinking about my past with Layla doesn't hurt anymore. I feel nothing now.

'She hurt me, but I don't love her. I don't think I ever did,' I say. Back then, I didn't know the meaning of love. I'm ashamed of the guy I used to be. Zara has changed my whole world, though. She's changed me completely.

"Really?" Zara asks, astonished.

I nod. 'She was my longest relationship. I was with her for nearly four months. I've never had anything more than that, I've never wanted anything more before. I'm ashamed of the guy I was back then, Zara,' I admit. I'm ashamed to even speak about it, but I can tell Zara anything. I want to tell her everything.

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