Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Zara's POV

I glance at my reflection in the tall, full-length mirror in my bedroom. I'm wearing a black maxi dress which falls to my feet and fits nicely. It has full sleeves and is simple in design, but I really like this dress. I bought it a few weeks before my wedding, from a designer store. The dress fits nicely from the top, and then flows out after the bust area. I've paired it with some black heels and a new matching, black purse. I'm wearing a set of small diamond studs which Zaid gifted to me.

My makeup is subtle and natural, and my hair is loose. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Why I'm about to do this, I don't know. Maybe I've gone crazy, but I just know that I have to do this. I'm nervous, but I'm not afraid. Because Zaid will be right there with me, at my side.

The bedroom door opens, and in walks my handsome husband. He's wearing a white button-up shirt, which he's paired with some black jeans and shiny, black shoes. His hair looks messy, as if he's ran his fingers through it a little too many times. There is no trace of a smile on his face. He looks worried, angry.

I know that the anger is not directed towards me, though. Although I'm the one who came up with the idea to meet Hamza.

'Zaid? Are you okay?' I ask him gently, walking towards him and touching him lightly on the arm.

He nods, his jaw tense. "I'm fine, Zara."

'I'm so sorry, Zay. You don't need to come with me if you don't want to. I'll be fine, honestly. I'm not afraid of him anymore. I just.. I just know that I have to meet him. One last time. I need him to see that I'm happy, that he doesn't affect me in any way.' My voice is a soft whisper.

"Are you being serious? There's no way that I'll let you visit him alone. There might be tight security there, but I'm not taking any chances. You're my wife. I love you, and I won't let you visit him alone. I'll be right by your side, holding your hand. Yes, I'm annoyed, because I don't want you anywhere near him again. After what he tried, twice, I don't want you to see him. But, I understand. I understand why you want to see him. And I will support you. Always." He looks into my eyes and gives me the tiniest smile.

I hug him gently, wrapping my arms around his strong, muscular form. He wraps his arms around my waist, sighing, and presses a kiss to the top of my head. Automatically, I feel the nervousness disappear, and I feel secure. Protected.

I know that no harm can come to me as long as Zaid is with me.

'Shall we go?' I whisper, breaking the hug and looking into his eyes.

He nods, swallowing hard. "Let's get this over with."


The drive to the police station is silent but peaceful. I'm fully aware of the fact that I will be seeing Hamza very shortly, but I don't feel afraid. I will soon be seeing the man who tried to rape me, twice, but I'm not scared of him. He can't hurt me anymore.

I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees me with Zaid.

We reach the station quickly, in twenty minutes, as there's no traffic. Zaid parks in the small car park, and we get out of the car. We walk inside, and he talks to the officers for a few minutes.

We're then taken to a small, empty room and told to take a seat. There is only a table, and three chairs in the room. Nothing else.

If I was in this place for even a single day, I'd die. I feel so claustrophobic in here, my nerves start to return. Zaid takes my hand, which I'm tapping on the table in front of us. My heart is beating loudly and rapidly in my chest.

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