Chapter 11: Don't Want

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For a little bit, the story will continue in Third Person POV. Don't worry, it'll switch back to first person soon enough.

"How are you holding up (Y/N)?" Armin asked softly, watching the girl sit on the chair of her study desk lazily.

"I don't know," she mumbled, eyes half-lidded.

Armin looked at Eren, his wide eyes glistening with worry.

"(Y/N)," the brunette called out.

(Y/N)'s eyes looked slight to the direction of his voice, signalling that she was listening.

"I wish to tell them. For... for your and theirs sake."

Eren expected the person to flinch, or even bring her head up to face him, but she didn't. She sighed and turned to face the opened window, staring into the darkness of night. "I told you the information. It's up to you to do whatever you want with it. I don't care. Let the whole school know to see if I care."

"(Y/N), its not like that," Eren started to protest, before he realised the girl did not want to hear anything anymore. Armin gave him a nudge and pointed to the door.

"See you later (Y/N)," Armin said quietly, dragging Eren out of the room with him.

The two walked away and took the lift, not sharing a word. Eren took out his phone and began tapping away.

"What are you doing?" Armin asked, trying to get a peak.

"I'm texting Hanji to let all the others that were there to meet up tomorrow after breakfast at the park behind the school. You're coming too, Armin."

"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Eren sighed after he clicked send, and stuffed his phone into his pocket. "We're not at some isolated place Armin. You know the worst that can happen if she.... goes back in that state?"

"Yeah... I know."

"This is why they need to know. (Y/N), isn't going to be herself for a while, and since they've witnessed one her worst moments, its better they know the truth before it turns into something even worse."

Armin nodded in understanding. This was for (Y/N)'s sake. If things go well, there will be more than just Eren and Armin protecting (Y/N).

"Let's just hope it works our way," Armin said gravely, as they both stepped out of the lift and headed to their own dorms.


As expected of Armin, (Y/N) wasn't present at breakfast. He was surprised how calm and normal Hanji and others were, like nothing ever happened.

The group finished breakfast quietly, each leaving to their own business. Most went back to the community room, and Eren and Armin stood, not knowing where they had gone.

All of a sudden, Eren felt a soft tap on his shoulder. As he turned around, he was greeted by Hanji, who wasn't as jumpy as usual. Her words were quick and meaningful, "Let's go. The others have gone ahead."

As they got ready to leave, Petra came running to them frantically. "Eren! Armin!"

The two boys turned around, confused to why someone had called them. "W-what's happened to (Y/N)?" Petra panted, leaning on her knees for support.

Hanji stayed quiet and simply observed as Eren and Armin tried to think of an answer.

"She's just a bit emotional," Armin finally answered, "Just try to not bother her and give her some space."

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