Chapter 71: Sweet Dreams

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"We've covered about half of the first zone."

"And we have a little over 2 weeks left," Armin murmured, gazing blankly. He glanced at Petra. "How are supplies?"

Petra shrugged. "Enough to last us for about two weeks, I guess."

Erwin turned to Hanji. "Report progress?"

"Still a draft. Not even close to finalization, but then we are still missing a lot of info," Hanji replied after fixing her glasses briefly.

"Hang on," Levi interrupted. "Why are our supplies running out so quickly?"

We all stared at Levi for a few seconds, before our eyes slowly drifted to one specific person.


"What? Why're you all looking at me?"

"Give up Eren. We all know you've been taking daily "snacks" whenever we're out." Petra rolled her eyes, leaning back in her chair.

"So what?" Eren retorted. "Like you said, it's just snacks!"

"Yeah. Snacks the size of a whole meal," Hanji pointed out.

"It's true," Mikasa murmured, earning an annoyed glance from Eren. "Oi. You're supposed to be helping me out."

"How am I supposed to help out if you leave me no food?" Mikasa exclaimed. Honestly, I think this is the first time I've seen Mikasa go against Eren like this.

Erwin, who seemed rather dumbfounded by this information by the judge of his face, quickly cleared his throat. "Eren. No more snacks," he said sternly, a commanding glint in his eyes.

Eren glanced at Erwin, abruptly standing up pointing at the blonde. "Erwin! You're in on it too. Don't you fucking dare lie! I saw you stuff your face in the kitchen!"

Hanji stared blankly at Erwin. "Really man?"

"Dear lord." Petra face-palmed, shaking her head from side to side.

Erwin raised an eyebrow at Eren. "I admit I've taken some extra food before. But I don't do it as often as you."

"What? That's--"

"Eren. Erwin. No more snacks, and that's final." Levi stared at the two men with a face that just speaks, 'I'm so done with this shit'.

Eren fell silent, but Erwin wasn't done letting some steam out. "Yeah? Says Mr. I Hog The Tea All The Time."

"What?" Levi hissed out, his eyes dark with annoyance.

"This is just sad," Armin muttered.

I tapped my hand on the table a few times, getting everyone's attention. "Enough. Eren and Erwin; stop taking extra food."

My eyes slowly drifted to Levi, who was staring at me, unblinking.

"And Levi..." I paused. "Share the tea."

The raven clicked his tongue, rising from his seat and walking away to his room. Erwin rose from his own seat and headed for the front door, exiting the cabin.

"Did we seriously just argue over food and tea?" Petra asked, glancing back and forth with a disbelieved gaze.

"It seems so," Hanji confirmed, slumping over the table.

I rested my head on the table, briefly closing my eyes. This is the third time we've argued over something this week. It's been happening a lot more as time goes on, which leads me to realize we can only put up with each other's BS for so long.

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