Chapter 40: A Bad Start

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- A few months later

"Your homework is page 71 to 73. That's it for today. Class dismissed."

I packed my notebooks, grabbed my bag and quickly made my way to the door, eager to return to my room for some personal, relaxing time.

Just as I was about to leave, a voice made me stop. "(Y/N), wait! I wish to talk to you for a moment!"


I groaned inwardly, retracing my steps back to the teacher's desk. "Yes, ma'am?"

She leaned forward on her desk. Ms. Anka is nice and all, but I'm not a big fan of history.

"I wan't to talk about your grades, (Y/N). They've been lowering from your usual scores."

I lowered my gaze. "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. I'll do better."

"That's the third time you've said that to me this week."

"I-... I know. I'm sorry."

"Sweetheart you know this matter is now more than just sorry."

I slowly looked up at her.

"Your scores have drastically went down for the past few weeks. You even failed two pop quiz. This is an important matter."

"I... understand."

Worry ceased in Ms. Anka's face. "(Y/N), if your grades keep on lowering.... you risk losing your scholarship."

I clenched my hand, swallowing harshly.

"Unfortunately, I was informed by the headmaster to tell you that you have recieved your first warning."

My heart dropped in dread.

"If you can," she continued, "find another student who is willing to help you study, okay?"

I nodded, not saying anything.

"You're a smart student (Y/N), one of the smartest I've ever met. I know your capabilities is much higher than this. Is there something bothering you?"

I took in a shaky breath. "N-no... There's nothing at all."

Ms. Anka nodded. "Alright. Keep fighting. And don't forget to ask a student to help you study."

I nodded again, quietly excusing myself. I hurried out of the classroom, feeling scared and worried.

"You risk losing your scholarship."

No.. that can't happen. That must never happen!

"You have recieved your first warning."

I rushed down the stairs, clumsily bumping into a few students on the way.

I slammed my shoulder on some guy, who hissed out, "Hey watch it brat!"

I knew it was Levi, but I kept running back to my dorm, not stopping for a glance, or even a sorry.

Levi and I haven't made up ever since that day. When I had reached back to my dorm that morning, Petra explained everything to me.

She told me that Levi lied about the dating thing, and also forced Petra to play along. Neither of us know the reason he did that.

He never came to me to apologize. He never greeted me when we passed. He never showed any attention to me, as if I was just another stranger in this school.

I was just waiting. Waiting for him to say he was sorry. But he never did, and I no longer had the patience to wait.

I never approached him, and he never approached me.

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