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             "I don't know what to do today." Nick stated as we started to wake up. The morning sunlight beamed through the blinds of the bedroom window and I was weirdly relaxed and content.

Nick was still upset and a little annoyed about his job and the situation that had brought on, but other than that he was also feeling relaxed as we held eachother tightly.

"Maybe you could paint some more canvases, you're good at those." I mused. He was good at everything but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"I usually paint better when I'm feeling something." He replied back.

"And you're not feeling happy?" I asked as I looked in to his eyes. "You've got me back, you should be ecstatic." I was half joking but I knew I meant it too.

"I've never had to paint happy before, except that painting of you."

"Which you threw." I couldn't help but say it. Nick rolled his eyes but by the frown on his face, I knew he felt guilty about it.

"I've got a good idea." Nick said before sitting up in bed. I moved off of his body and watched him as he pulled on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt. They clung to his muscled frame and I couldn't help but stare.

"Where are you off?" I asked. With the blanket up to my neck and my eyes on him, he turned to look at me. He smirked as he took me in.

"I have to go out a minute, to get some essentials."


"I'm not telling you." He smirked some more. "It's a secret." I narrowed my eyes at him but I didn't  say another word. I just watched him as he moved, until he was ready and kissing me on the cheek. "I won't be long."

And he was gone, like a little boy in a candy store.

Well, what can I do now?

I got up and pulled on my own clothes that I had packed in to one of Nick's drawers during my stay. Maybe I could go and see my mum and dad? Maybe take a walk?

I had so many possibilities.

Just as I was about to do my hair and make myself look even the littlest bit respectable, the door knocked.

Weird, Nick didn't get many visitors unless it was me or my father.

I walked over to the wooden door anyway, curious as to who it may be. I opened it wide and took in the woman before me.

"Alice?" I asked, wondering why she was here at all.

"Can I come in?"

"Nick's not here at the moment." I stated. I guessed that's who she was here for. She had always had a thing for Nick and it had been blatantly obvious since day one.

"It's okay, I came to see you." Her statement shocked me. I'm sure Alice wanted me out of Nick's life, so why did she want to speak to me?

"Come in then, I suppose." I opened the door wider and she came in to the room as if she knew exactly where everything was.

Oh, please.

Alice sat down on the sofa, making herself at home without me having to say a word. I sat down on the sofa beside her and waited until she started to speak.

"Nick's still under trial for John's murder but there's absolutely no evidence at all. I'm sure he'll be let off the hook real soon, you'll be pleased to know." She said, her big brown eyes boring in to mine.

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