Chapter 9

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Natalya had a magazine in front of her. It was a magazine created by a werewolf magazine industry that had werewolf models. These kinds of werewolves are a lot less pack oriented and more immersed in the human city. They resist the urge to run or give into their animal side. Regardless, even they can't deny their fate.

Natalya always found it odd and interesting how these werewolves manage their life. They live their life in the city unafraid of the humans. They even consorted with them. It was shocking and scandalous.

Even with the hot male model in front of her half naked, her eyes were peeking over the page and staring at her mate who had walked out with a gray towel around his waist. It hung so low that she literally was just watching if it will fall off his waist. It has been three days since the incident. The scar on her neck has almost completely healed. Her eyes leisurely followed how his torso narrowed down on his waist and dipped into the v-line. She could see the hair that covered lightly his groin area.

Constantin turned around unexpectedly to face her that she freaked out and almost dropped the magazine she was trying to read. She could feel the heat crawling up her face from embarrassment. She was eyeing him like a hawk and she got caught. She heard Constantin footsteps walking towards her. She lifted her magazine higher and adjusted her position in bed so that he can't see her face.

He pulled the magazine away and now she had nothing to block her view. Her eyes found her mate's amusing ones before she cleared her throat and straighten her spine.

No need to hide now! Might as well stand tall with embarrassment.

Did you like what you see? He asked.

Again a flood of heat rushed to her cheeks like a warm sunny heat wave. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Are you really going to play that card with me, mate? He questioned with a slow lift of his lip.

"I wasn't checking you out. I was checking the male model in the magazine out. H-he has very nice abs and ,uh, very well made chest muscles." She stuttered at the end.

He growled and leaned closer to her. His hands placed on either side of her body as his face lowered to meet hers directly.

"I mean it. He was sexy." She continued further.

She saw how Constantin's jaw ticked. The way he grinded his teeth with irritation. She wanted to laugh now as she can see she was getting him worked up.

You will only be looking at me! He signed angrily into the air.

Her eyes dipped down his body and she gulped. He was so godly built. She wanted to run her hands up and down his body. Trace her tongue along every strong definition of his body-wait what?

Something is wrong.

Something is terribly wrong.

Why was she acting like she was going to pounce her mate any second?

"Something's wrong." She muttered out loud.

His eyes narrowed in confusion. She changed the subject so suddenly he was caught off guard. He didn't understand what was wrong.

Is it wrong of me to ask you to only look at me? He asked in confusion.

Her eyes widened and she immediately shook her head. "No! It's not that! She saw a drop of water dropped from his hair and spread across his shoulder. It was the most tantalizing sight ever. How can a single drop of water make her feel so thirsty-

Something is wrong!

She squeezed her eye shut and turned away from her mate. This was all too much. Her senses are beginning to heighten. Her breathing was a little ragged and she was feeling this horrible feeling growing in the pit of her stomach like she was about to experience a very bad thing.

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