Chapter 18

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That night a pack bonfire celebration was announced in celebration to their Alpha's full recovery. A fire pit was dug deep with firewood piled on it to a high enough height. The smell of firewood burning danced around the air. Logs were sat around the fire place to create a warm and comforting environment. Little lanterns were lit all around the valley casting a small warm glow against the midnight scenery.

Natalya walked out of the pack house with Yulian walking next to her. He was updating her on everything that has happened while she was gone. There wasn't any activity ever since the last attack. There hasn't been any suspicious activity on the borders that she needed to worry about.

She was a little relieved upon hearing that nothing has happened while she was not available but a little part of her felt something was off.

How can someone just attack for no reason at all? Her guts were telling her there was more to it than could be seen. Yulian mentioned where Misha was staying at the moment. It looks like Natalya's mother has decided to place Misha in one of the guest bedrooms in the pack house.

When they approached closer to the bonfire, she heard soft bonfire music in the air. The pack members were signing in harmony while a few played with instruments. It was a traditional song spun of their heritage.

Some pack members were grilling and the smell of nicely smoked meat can be smelled in the air. However, Natalya's attention was somewhere else. She saw her mate speaking with Misha nearby the fireplace. They weren't standing real close but close enough to know what they were speaking about was quite private.

Natalya knew she shouldn't be jealous. Constantin was hers but she still felt like she was missing the connection that he had with Misha.

It was like those times where your mate as a best friend who knew them more than you knew them. Natalya felt jealous that she wasn't the one there to protect Constantin when he was in pain. She was jealous that Misha nurtured him back to health. She was jealous that Misha was able to share that small bond with Constantin.

She wanted to walk over there and rip Constantin away from Misha. Her heart was too fragile and insecure. She knew she should be reassured but her wolf couldn't help feeling possessive towards him. Tonight was a celebration night. She couldn't exactly confront Misha yet but she will soon.

Constantin must have felt her eyes on him because he looked up halfway through his conversation with Misha to look at her. His emerald irises blended with the reflection of the fire that burned before him. He always seemed to be able to take her breath away each time. His heated gaze travel down her body leisurely and it seemed every part of her body burned with each sweep of his gaze.

She felt naked underneath the dress Octavia had helped chosen for her. It was a white crochet cropped tank top with a deep v-neck line. Octavia paired the top with a deep orange high waist long skirt that split on one side of the dress—just enough to the point of when she walked her right leg was exposed to just close to her upper thigh. Her hair was tied up into a loose bun above her head.

"He is staring at you without blinking." Octavia voice came from her left.

She turned to look at her sister in law with a shy smile. "I am sure it is not like that."

Octavia scoffed. "Anybody can see it, Natalya."

Natalya turned back to look at Constantin but he got distracted when her brother and father pulled Constantin away to join the other men. A table had been set up and drinks have been placed on the table. The men were making bets and throwing games onto the table. Pretty soon they all will be getting drunk.

"When I am with him, I get these butterflies in my stomach. There are these emotions that stir in my chest that has me wanting to run with fear and throw my arms around him all at the same time." Natalya admitted.

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