Chapter 11

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Constantin broke a sweat trying to control his wolf from dominating his human side and jump his mate. She wasn't a thick woman instead she was slender in frame. Her tall height and toned abdomen muscles were evident. Constantin swallowed hard to stop him from salivating. Anybody that stood here and saw what he saw knew she was a woman who worked hard labor and worked her body rigorously. She was very fit.

Feeling a headache come on from trying to restrain him from pouncing on her, he pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes tightly.

"Constantin?" There was hesitation and uncertainty in her voice that broke through his resisting walls. He opened his eyes up immediately and glanced her way. Her eyes glistened with an emotion that had his heart thumping in his chest.

What are you doing? He asked. He wanted to take a step forward but was too afraid of his own control snapping.

She laughed nervously and glanced at the ceiling almost as if she was praying for a sign. She looked back down at him.

"I'm not so sure." She admitted and his heart warmed at her honesty. In that instant, he knew what she needed. Reassurance.

Are you sure you want to do this?

"No." She admitted again.

He broke into a smile. Tell me what you want.

She laughed nervously and Constantin felt like a pervert because all he could do was examine the way her breasts will have a slight bounce to each rumble she made. Biting his lips hard he took in an unsteady breath.

She ran her hands through her hair before wrapping an arm across her chest. He growled his displeasure. He didn't like how she hid her body from his view. He was becoming greedy and wanted her to openly display her body.

"Isn't it obvious?" She retorted her answer and his irritation quickly turned into amusement.

Should we try to do it instead of talking? He let go of whatever resistance he had and took the last few steps to be closer to her.

When he was close enough to almost feel the tips of her soft pebble nipples but enough to touch them he allowed his gaze to leisurely cover every single part of her body. He could see how her skin pebbled with goosebumps from under his watchful gaze.

She was so beautiful and it was times like this that he wished he could speak. He wanted to very much tell her in details how beautiful she was without having to sign everything to her. It was times like this that he hated the fact that Alpha Viktor took his voice.

Before we do anything, I want to tell you something. He needed to tell her before he forgets or loses courage. If after this and she decides to leave him, he will respect her wishes. However, if she didn't care and wanted to stick by him. He was going to love her with all he got.

"Like right now? You do realize I am naked?" She looked a little flabbergasted. He chuckled before lifting up his shirt and slipping it over her head.

She complied without arguing. Once the shirt was over her, he was able to think a little clearly he moved them both to sit on the bed.

I want to tell you about my scar. I want to get this cleared off before you and I move further in our relationship. You of all people deserve to know what happened and I am sorry it took me this long to tell you. He began and couldn't help but feel the surge of fear that washed over him like an ocean wave.

She was attentive now. Her eyes remained solely locked on his to let him know he had her full attention. This was the first time their relationship that Constantin had ever opened up to her without her giving anything to him. To him, it was the most challenging thing ever. He had held in so many emotions for so long. He had been alone for so long even he didn't know how to trust again; that was until he met Natalya.

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