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Devon kept his words when he said that we have had enough fun for the week

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Devon kept his words when he said that we have had enough fun for the week. He hasn't touched me sexually since that day and I have tried so hard to seduce him into submission but good Lord this man has so much control.

I have tried everything from sexy nightgowns to 'accidentally' touching his package, but nothing seems to work on him. He kisses me in public and makes out with me before going to bed but that has been it. And we don't even cuddle because he said that he doesn't trust me to not touch him in his sleep and I mean I don't blame him. I obviously would.

It's been a week since we got married and came to France. So far, we've been to the Eiffel Tower like 6 times? We walked hand in hand around Paris while I talked nonstop about my childhood and life and how I ended up in the UK. He even shared bits and pieces about his college life which  I must say is very interesting. Today would be our last day in Paris and honestly the most important one. The reason we came here from the beginning is for Devon to meet with another CEO and so some business stuff that I don't care to understand.

And why are we doing this during our honeymoon?

This man couldn't attend our wedding due to health issues. And so he and his wife would very much like to meet me. Right now my husband is nowhere to be found and I'm putting make up and fixing my hair. I curl the ends of my hair and add spray dry shampoo to give it some volume, then proceed on tapping some clear glitter over my eyelids. I did obviously my signature look. Red eyeliner and red lipstick. As I stroked the lipstick over my lips I hear the door click and I know that Devon has came back from God knows where.

I see him enter the room from the reflection in the mirror with a brown bag in his hand, his shoulder holding his phone in place as he locks the door he catches me staring through the reflection and winks.

"Just email it to me I'll have a look later" he says then hangs up the phone placing it in his trousers pocket. "Well don't you look deliciously beautiful Mrs. Enderson" he comments.

"Why thank you Mr. Enderson" I reply blushing a bit.

"You might want to wipe that lipstick off I got you something" he places the bag on the table and the scent of cinnamon overtakes and my eyes widen "You got me cinnamon rolls?".

"Yeah, you mentioned yesterday that you loved them a lot and that your mom used to bake for you and so I asked around for the best bakery and got some for you".

Ugh this man.

I quickly open the bag grabbing one roll and stuff it in my mouth. Devon laughs as I can't get the whole piece in my mouth, and so he leans in biting off the piece his lips brushing mine softly. He steps away chewing it into his mouth. I place my hand over lips trying to cover how stupid I look.

"You are ready already?" He asks and I nod still chewing then I say "I just need to put on my dress and shoes".

"I'll get dressed then".

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