Chapter 13

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My eyes wandered to the faces watching my every move as Julian and I made our way down the stairs. I would never have thought that these normal looking people weren't human. As we got to the bottom, I sighed in relief that I didn't embarrass myself. Julian lifted my hand to his mouth and gently kissed it, never breaking eye contact; his gaze sent shivers through my body. He then led me to the middle of the room, and gentle music began to play.

Have you ever danced before? Julian asked me.

My stomach dropped, and I began to panic.  No.  Julian, I didn't know I would have to dance in front of all these people. I don't think I can.

What did you think would happen at a ball?  Just follow my lead. Julian's voice echoed through my head.

I don't know.  I knew there would be dancing, but I didn't think I would be the center of it. I replied, annoyed.

Julian beamed at me before spinning me around and pulling me close to his body.  I was actually grateful that he could communicate with me through my mind.  It was a comfort since I didn't really know what to do. His brown eyes locked with mine as our bodies moved in sync with the music. Whenever I looked over Julian's shoulder, I could see all eyes on us, including Tristan's.

Not bad for someone who can't dance.

I looked up and saw Julian smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at him as the music finally came to an end. Julian stepped back from me and bowed, so I followed his lead and curtsied. Everyone surrounding us clapped, then some began to dance while others conversed with each other. Relief washed over me from the lack of attention, and I observed the people around me. The vampires looked relatively normal, besides everyone looking perfect. I couldn't find a flaw on anyone.

"If you keep staring, you are going to attract the wrong person," Julian whispered in my ear.

I jumped and spun around to face him.  "Would you stop that."

He laughed at my frown.  "I'm just looking out for you, princess.  You are in an entirely different world here."

"I can take care of myself," I said sternly while looking him in the eyes. Flashes of my conversation with Tristan in the piano room came to mind.

Julian gave me a goofy grin before touching my shoulder.  "I bet you can."

With that, he walked into a crowd of people and left me alone. Nervously, my eyes searched the room for anyone else I knew, and they immediately found aqua ones staring back at me. The intensity of his gaze made me blush and quickly look away. When I looked back to him, he was gone.

A sudden touch on my shoulder made me turn around, but it wasn't Tristan like I was expecting or hoping. A young guy with slicked back, brown hair and piercing brown eyes stood in front of me. 

"Hello, Claire. It's an honor to meet you."

It took me a moment to answer him back, "Hi, it's nice to meet you too...uh?"

"Collin McGrath.  I am an old friend of the Labelle family."  He gave me a handshake and kissed the top of my hand. "Would you care for a dance?"

My widened at his request, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to because I'm not much of a dancer. It's one thing to dance with Julian, but I didn't know this guy. He definitely was good looking though, and I couldn't help but admire his features. I gave in and nodded my head so I didn't come off as rude. It couldn't hurt to just dance with a good-looking guy, and I honestly wasn't sure if he'd try to eat me if I declined. Collin gave me a charming smile and took my hands. We began to elegantly sway with the music.

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