Chapter 22

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"Claire!" Tristan and Julian shouted in unison while running up to me.

Olivia's arms were replaced with stronger, muscular ones. I looked up with my red, tear-brimmed eyes to meet concerned, aqua orbs.  I then glanced over to find Julian watching me.

"What happened?" Tristan demanded and my focus was back on him.

He examined the parts of my arms that were cut from the shattered glass. I didn't notice them before. It must have been the adrenaline.

""  I tucked a loose strand of my brown hair behind my ear. "Someone knocked on the door, but no one was there, and then my body felt like it was being pulled through the window. Olivia grabbed me and tried to pull me out..."

"Claire saw a person when she looked down," Olivia chimed in. "They looked like they were using telekinesis to make her fall out the window. I threw fire at the person and they burned. I think they were waiting for her to be near the window to attack."

Tristan and Julian looked at each other, most likely communicating telepathically. After a minute, their eyes landed on me, and concern along with anger was etched across their faces.  I could see their attention wander to the blood on the window sill and to my body.

"I think your father is wrong. I don't think the attacks are going to stop until something happens to her," Julian admitted to Tristan.

Tristan ground his jaw as he glanced down at the embers and charred body below.  "She is going to have to stay in my room. I don't think anyone would dare to try an attack in the Prince's quarters."

"I don't think anyone should know her location. It would be wise to tell the rest of the castle that she is locked away in her room. We can even board up her windows so that no one can see inside," Julian suggested.

"That's a good idea.  I'll let my father and mother know at once. No one besides this small circle will know where she is," Tristan agreed.

"Wait.  How long am I going to have to stay locked away? I don't want to be locked up forever. I won't—I can't again..."

Memories of being locked in my room at the asylum and tied to the hospital bed flashed across my mind.

Julian, reading my mind, walked up to me and rested his hand on my shoulder for comfort.  When his brown eyes met mine, my fear washed away.

"Don't worry. It's only until we find out who is responsible for this. Someone will be with you at all times," Julian whispered softly.

Tristan looked between me and Julian, and what looked like a flash of jealousy crossed his features, making his light aqua eyes turn into a dark, angry storm. Afraid the waves would crash down on me, I adverted my eyes to Olivia, who also was looking between us.  Understanding, she touched his arm to get his attention.

"I'll go get her set up in your room and bring some of her stuff while you tell the King and Queen.  I will never let anything happen to her."  Olivia assured him; her conviction was unshakeable.

"But we can't let anyone see her go there.  We can't risk it," Julian stated as he glanced at the door.

Tristan already had an idea.  "We will let all security know to get everyone to the ballroom for a meeting about the attack.  Give it about ten minutes and the halls will be empty," Tristan explained while keeping his eyes on me.

I didn't notice my breathing hitched.  His gaze had an effect on me, and I didn't know how to feel about it still. My eyes caught his for a brief moment before a stinging sensation in my back brought me out of my daze.  Sensing my pain, Tristan ran his fingers lightly across the pained area, causing me to wince. There were cuts on my back from when the glass broke.

"You are covered in blood and gashes," Tristan pointed out, his voice trembling with anger. "Let me heal you."

He quickly bit his own wrist, never breaking eye contact, and brought it up to my mouth.  I hesitated for a brief moment before I carefully touched my lips to his cool skin. Hot, metallic liquid made its way down my throat, and I pulled away.

I coughed. "Uh, thank you," I mumbled, trying not to be awkward about it.

I don't think I will ever get used to that.

Tristan's face brightened.  "Don't thank me."

I returned the smile and noticed Julian was going out of his way to not look at us. His jaw was clenched, and there was an emotion I couldn't decipher in his brown eyes. When he finally spoke, it was not to me.

"We will meet you in Tristan's room as soon as we can. Take care of her, Olivia."

"I will with my life," she responded with sincerity and a fire in her eyes.

Tristan and Julian left the room, and I could feel the tension in the air dissipate. I turned to Olivia to see her already packing some of my stuff.  I watched as she used her speed to go back and forth between the duffle bag and my closet. The only thing I could make out was her bright, red hair. By the time she was done, the duffle bag could barely close. I gave her a look, but she shot one back saying not to argue with her. I tried to convince her to let me take a shower first so I don't look like Carrie walking through the halls, but she wouldn't budge.

We quietly snuck down the hallways and went around several turns until we reached Tristan's room. Like he said, there wasn't a single person to be seen. Upon entering, I sighed when I saw my favorite painting on the wall. I closed my eyes and thought about Tristan's eyes and how Julian wouldn't look my way before he left. Conflicting emotions clashed in my head. I didn't want to be that girl; I didn't want to be the annoying one in the movie that prances around, getting the attention from the guy and then leading him on. I didn't even know if I had feelings like that for either of them. I didn't want to get between a friendship either.  For all I knew, everything I was feeling was because I was blood-bonded to both.

Tristan and Julian couldn't like me. They barely know me. I wouldn't even know what it looked like to have a boy be interested. By the time I would have started experiencing it, my life was ripped away from me.

Do I truly like them?

Julian tried to kill me when he first seen me, but he's been there for me and has been supportive. He's saved me a few times, and makes me laugh. There's something about Tristan though. I feel as if I've known him my whole life. I've been seeing him in my dreams since I could remember, after all. He makes me feel something I haven't before; there's a connection I can't explain.

The way that Tristan looked at Julian earlier made me worry about them. I didn't want to get between them. A small voice inside of me said that maybe he was mad about something else, but I'm not a naive, little girl anymore; it was because of me. An uneasy, guilty feeling sat in the pit of my stomach.

I opened my eyes to find Olivia intensely staring at me. It made me feel uncomfortable.  The uneasiness grew the longer she stared. I was scared to ask what was wrong.

She finally spoke, "Love is a battlefield, Claire.  In war, someone has to lose and people get hurt, even die.  Who is going to be defeated, Claire?  Tristan or Julian?"

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