Chapter 37

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I didn't know how to explain what I experienced. I thought I was done having visions since Eretria wasn't projecting her memories to me anymore. Now I was seeing Julian's?

He thought I was beautiful.

I blinked away the thought when I noticed her staring at me expectantly. "I don't—I'm not..." I couldn't form the words, still entranced by the vision. 

"Claire...  Your eyes... They glazed over like Julian's do when he sees things," Eretria explained, still staring at me with concern.

"They did?" I asked, still shocked.

She nodded. "You had a vision?  What happened?"

"I—I thought about Julian, and all of a sudden, I saw him. I think it was a memory because it was of him taking me back to the castle after he found me in the woods," I explained, trying to gather my thoughts. "It was weird though...  I think I was able to read his mind.  I didn't experience that with you. I thought maybe you were projecting memories again."

Eretria's expression went from concerned to curious. "That wasn't me. What did it feel like when you thought about Julian?"

I thought back to how it felt when I was being pulled into that vision. I remembered how it was like a string that connected me to Julian was in my head, and I could follow it.  Somehow that imaginary string led me to his subconscious.

"It felt like there was something in my mind that connected me to Julian's. I followed it, and I suddenly was able to see that memory," I tried to explain what I felt, but saying it out loud made me doubt what happened.

I looked up to see Eretria's brows knitted together. A few seconds passed before she responded, "Claire, I think what happened to you is your vampire ability."

My eyes widened. "I—Vampire ability? Like Julian's or yours?"

I had a power?

"Yeah! It's like you have Julian's ability of reading minds, but you can access their memories and subconscious too. This is incredible! Julian has to touch a person to see their past and has to be near them to read their mind though. It's like you just have to think about the person to be able to access their subconscious." She was beaming at me excitedly.

A sudden thought popped into my mind, kind of like the last piece to the puzzle. "Eretria, do people get their ability based off of how they were when they were human?"

Maybe I had this ability because of Eretria too.

"Uh... It's not really clear about how or why you get a certain one, but I was always a daydreamer, and my mind was always wandering. Maybe that's why I have the ability of astral projection; it allows me to be able to explore and go anywhere I want." She shrugged, and then picked another flower.

I smiled fondly at the small flower.  "I think my ability has everything to do with your connection you had with me, especially when I died."

"What do you mean?" She plopped herself on the floor and patted the ground next to her.

I sat down on the damp grass and watched as Eretria picked at the blades, morning dew still bubbled on them.

"You said fate was funny. I think that the reason we had such a strong connection was because maybe I had that connection in my head to you like I do now. A two way road maybe? I don't know..." I laughed at the idea and shook my head.

"Maybe," she half whispered.  "Whatever it was, I'm happy I found you."

"Me too."

Eretria gave me a meaningful look and then turned her head away, causing her her black hair to whip around her face.

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