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Emily LaBelle Hunter stared up at the ceiling of her bedroom with her hands laying on her stomach. She wondered certain things. Like how her old friends back home in her little town in France were all doing ever since she immigrated to America at sixteen.

The room was hot from the summer heat. She turned her head to look over at her husband, Raymond Hunter, who was sleeping soundly on his back. She sat up on the bed before moving her feet onto the hard wood floor, making a slight creek. She cringed, hoping it wouldn't wake up Raymond. But she knew he was a heavy sleeper. She walked out of her bedroom and into the dark hallway.

Right across her bedroom was her four year old son's room, Mitchell. She walked in to check up on him since at times she caught him sleep walking around the house and even drinking the milk straight from the carton. But he laid spread on his bed, sleeping. He too must have been hot from the summer heat since all he had on were his underwear. Just like his dad. She smiled and gently closed the door.

She turned her head over to the door next to his room. She peaked inside of the room to make sure her two year old daughter, Kora, wasn't having another nightmare about the man with a black hat who kept chasing her around in her dreams. It was strange for a little girl to be having nightmares so erie this early in life.

But Kora was calmly clutching her teddy bear while curled up, her blanket kicked away from her. She too must have been hot.

Emily slowly pulled the door closed and began making her way down the stairs. The entire house was dark except for the occasional lights of the cars that passed by. She wondered what the temperature was. It had to be like a million degrees. She checked the temperature on the thermometer that was hung up on the wall next to the front door. Eighty-two degrees fahrenheit. She sighed to herself. Its defiantly not eighty-two degrees in here.

She turned her body and suddenly bumped into her husband which surprised her since she thought he was still sleeping.

"Don't scare me like that." Emily whispered as she spoke with a thick French accent. It attracted Raymond. He loved listening to her talk. He could just listen to her talk about anything for hours.

"Sorry, love." He chuckled and leaned down to her to kiss her forehead. Emily smiled at the warm action.

"Why are you out of bed?" She asked, looking at him up and down. All he was wearing were white boxers.

Raymond gently patted down her long brown hair. "You weren't in bed. So I was curious as to where you were." He smiled. "Whats the matter?"

Emily looked around the house, furrowing her brows. "I'm not sure. Lately I've been feeling... strange." She bit on her bottom lip. "Almost like I'm being watched. I-I don't know. Its weird."

Her husband began to check all the windows in the house. First the kitchen, then the living room and even the bedrooms. The backyard was empty—except for the toys and such—and the garage only had the expensive cars that they worked hard to get.

Raymond came back to his spooked wife, smiling. "Theres nothing to worry about. Theres no one in the house. I've checked every inch of this place. Nothing to even worry about." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "Maybe you just haven't been getting enough sleep. You do look more tired than usual."

"Honey, I'm fine. A nurse never sleeps anyways." She chuckled and got up on her toe to give him a kiss. "Just go back to sleep, I'll be there in a minute." Raymond nodded and kissed her back, winking his blind eye at her before walking up the stairs.

Emily looked at the time on the stove. Three twenty-six in the morning. She sighed and began walking out the kitchen. The front door caught her attention. She noticed the lock on the door was unlocked. She nor her husband touched it and she made sure to lock it before she went to bed earlier. It puzzled her. She made her way over to the door and looked through the little hole. No one was outside.

"Ugh, just sleep, Emily." She whispered to herself as she locked the door and rubbed her eye. She was beginning to think Raymond was right and that she was so tired that she was starting to forget things. She walked up the stairs and walked into her room, laying next to her husband.

"You ok now?" He asked.

Emily cuddled up close to Ray and smiled. "Yes. Everything is ok."

*If you're still reading after the authors note, that means I did something right. Voting and commenting is highly appreciated and it would mean a lot to me if you did. It would also help me a ton. Send some feedback. Thank you!!

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