Chapter Six

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Walter handed the piece of paper over the low bulletin wall that was right in front of him, separating his desk from Seth's desk, in order to hand it over to him. "I've managed to make a small list of a couple guys who interest me as suspects. All of them have some sort of connection to Emily."

Seth looked at the list. At the top was Raymond Hunter. He grabbed a pen and put a line right through his name. He was already cleared of being a suspect. The person next on her list was her dad. He thought back to the interview he had with Emily's parents right after talking with Raymond.

"Dead?" He whispered with a thick French accent. Seth nodded.

"Yes. I'm truly sorry for your loss." He watched the married couple holding each other close for comfort over the death of their daughter.

"Who did this?" The woman softly spoke. Her French accent was also noticeable.

"Well the investigation just opened today. So we're still gathering evidence and information. Did she ever say anything about her marriage that maybe seemed odd to you?" He asked as Walter pressed the tip of the pen against his little notepad, ready to take notes.

The woman nodded. "No, never. She was happy. She could never stop talking about how happy she was with her husband and kids."

"What about her husband? Did he ever seem odd to you? Maybe act or say something that didn't seem right?"

The woman clutched onto her husbands hand. "N-no. Are you suggesting that Ray killed my daughter?"

"We're just trying to gather information. Thats all."

Walter raised a brow. He was already thinking of Raymond Hunter as a suspect. But of course he didn't want to say it. Instead he just kept it to himself while he took notes.

"May I also ask where were you two earlier today from one to six in the afternoon?"

"We were buying groceries and started making dinner while we invited a neighbor over."

Seth looked over at his partner to make sure he was getting every bit of information before he asked another question. "And what about anyone else? Did anyone take an interest in her, maybe constantly harassing her?"

"Like who?" The man asked.

Seth shrugged. "Maybe like an ex boyfriend or a co-worker?"

"No, she never had boyfriend except for Ray. And she never complained about anyone at–wait," the man suddenly paused and so did Walter with his writing. "there was a patient she talked about that she described as disturbing."

Seth raised a brow. "What do you mean?" 

"She said that one day when she went to work, she had patient that had problems in head." He placed his hands on his knees, sighing. "He would come into the hospital always just to see her."

"And do you know the name of this patient?"

"No, she never told me. I'm sorry."

Seth shook his head, standing up from the couch. "No thank you, you've been of help to us."

Seth crossed a line through the fathers name. He remembered about the patient that they were talking about. "Hey, Walt. Her dad mentioned something about a patient harassing her at work. Maybe we could try talking with him. If only we knew his name..."

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